Thoroughbred — Chapter 34: Canadian-Bred Horses

34.01  In all races except handicaps, stakes and races where conditions expressly state to the contrary, a weight allowance of three pounds will be made for Canadian-bred two-year-old horses in two-year-old races and Canadian-bred three-year-old horses in three-year-old races.

34.02 Canadian-bred horses, to be eligible to enter and start in Canadian-bred races, or to receive Canadian-bred weight allowances in other races, shall have their Canadian-bred status confirmed in one of following two ways:

  1. By Ontario Racing confirming the Canadian-bred status of the horses to the Association, where the trainers of such horses have filed with Ontario Racing evidence of such status, or
  2. By the trainer of a Canadian-bred horse by filing with the Association Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society registration papers or recorded numbers thereof.