Thoroughbred — Chapter 18: Placing Judges and Photo Finish Camera

18.01.01  One or more Placing Judges shall occupy the Placing Judges’ stand at the time the horses pass the winning post in every race, and their duty shall be to place and record all horses in their order of finish.

18.01.02  In determining the places of the horses at the finish of a race, the Placing Judges shall consider only the relative position of the respective noses of such horses.

18.01.03  The Placing Judges shall cause to be prominently displayed the numbers of the first four horses in each race in the order to finish and shall be responsible for recording the fifth placing.

18.01.04  The Placing Judges shall make public their decisions as promptly as possible.

18.02.01  When the Placing Judges differ in their placements, the Stewards shall inspect the print prior to the official sign being posted and the decision of the Stewards shall prevail.

18.02.02  The Stewards shall confirm the decision of the Placing Judges as to the result of every race by declaring the result official, and the word “Official” shall be flashed or otherwise placed on the totalizator board, in a manner in which it may be clearly seen from any part of the grandstand.

18.02.03  Nothing in the Rules shall be construed to prevent the Placing Judges, with the approval of the Stewards, from correcting an error before the display of the “Official” sign or from recalling the “Official” sign in case it has been displayed through error.

18.03.01  On all tracks a proper camera shall be installed as an aid to the Placing Judges; however, in all cases, the camera is merely an aid and the decision of the Stewards shall be final.

18.03.02  Deleted.

18.03.03  If it is considered advisable to consult a picture from the photo finish camera, the Placing Judges shall post, without waiting for a picture, such placements as are in their opinions unquestionable, and, after consulting the picture, make the other placements.

18.03.04  Photo finish photographs shall not be released to anyone for publication without permission of the Stewards, except to the Association for its public display at the race track at which racing is being conducted.