Thoroughbred — Chapter 14: Safety and Security

14.01  Only properly Commission licensed participants shall be mounted on a horse or pony on the Association grounds, and such participant is required to wear properly affixed and secured helmets and safety vests, as prescribed by Rule 14.02 The licensee is responsible for ensuring that his/her helmet and safety vest meets the safety standards.

14.01.01  Deleted.

14.01.02  Deleted.

14.02 Where it is required under the Rules, only helmets meeting standards set by the following shall be used:

  1. American Society for Testing and Materials;
  2. UK Standards; or,
  3. Australian/New Zealand Standard.

Where it is required under the Rules, only safety vests meeting standards set by the following shall be used:

  1. British Equestrian Trade Association;
  2. Euro Norm;
  3. American Society for Testing and Materials;
  4. Shoe and Allied Trade Research Association; or,
  5. Australian Racing Board.

14.02.01  Deleted.

14.02.02  Deleted.

14.03  Smoking is prohibited within 10 feet of any designated signed areas, stall, tack room, shedrow or any portion of a barn including the paddock. For the purpose of this rule, the paddock will include the cafeteria, jockeys’ change room, washrooms and offices within the paddock area. Smoking is also prohibited anywhere on the racetrack surface at any time.

Penalty for an infraction of Rule 14.03:

  1. First violation will result in a $50 monetary penalty;
  2. Second violation within a year of the first violation will result in a $300 monetary penalty or a 5 day suspension or both;
  3. Third violation within a year of the first violation will result in a minimum monetary penalty of $500 and a 7 day suspension;
  4. Fourth violation within a year of the first violation will result in a suspension and referral to the Registrar.

14.04 An Association shall not cancel track facilities unless weather or exceptional conditions apply once the track opens for training until closing of the racing season.

14.05 If track or weather conditions are questionable for racing of horses, including actual temperature as defined in 14.06, a meeting shall be convened among the Stewards, management, a representative of the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association (HBPA) and jockeys. If required, the Stewards shall conduct a secret ballot vote of the jockeys programmed to ride that day who are present, to determine if racing should be canceled. If the vote of the jockeys determines that more than 50% vote against racing, the card will be canceled. Notwithstanding the vote, the jockeys who cancel their mount will not be subject to any penalties. The foregoing does not prevent racetrack management from canceling the races due to track or weather conditions without consultation with the Stewards, HBPA or the jockeys.

In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the Extreme Temperature Standards at Rule 14.06 shall be applied.

Extreme Temperature Standard

14.06 In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the decision to cancel racing shall be made by an Association applying the Extreme Temperature Standard.

Actual temperature: temperature at racetrack at post-time, or at any point during the race program as agreed upon by an Association representative and a Racing Official.

Extreme temperature: any temperature which falls within Tier 1 or Tier 2 of the Extreme Temperature Standard.

Forecasted extreme temperature: the temperature based on a publicly accessible local forecast at 5 hours to post-time. At the beginning of each race season the Association shall advise the industry which weather source will be used for temperature forecasts, failing which the weather source shall be the Weather Network.


Tier 1

Tier 2

Forecasted Temperature Range  

31 C to 37,9 C 

 equal to or greater than 38 C

-15 C to -24,9 C

equal to or less than -25 C

Weather Related Scratches Permitted Without Penalty



Additional Measures

Additional measures must be put in place to ensure the well-being of the horse and any licensees with positions that may be impacted by extreme temperature.

The following additional measures must be put in place to ensure the well-being of the horse and any licensees with positions that may be impacted by extreme temperature:

Heat: 2 additional Veterinarians, or 1 additional Veterinarian and 1 registered Veterinarian Technician to monitor temperature, pulse, and respiration rate of equine athletes pre-race and post-race; Additional hosing stations or mobile cooling station with trained attendant; access to water for horses at all times; shaded areas provided for unsaddling horses; ice made available in numerous locations; Racing Officials to minimize post parade time.

Cold: 2 additional vets, or 1 additional Veterinarian and 1 registered Veterinarian Technician to monitor temperature, pulse and respiration rate of equine athletes pre-race and post-race, as well as conditions related to cold temperature including frost bite; tongues not tied outside of horse’s mouth; blankets shall be available for each horse; Racing Officials to minimize post parade time.

Cancellation Required

Decision to be made by Association

Decision to be made by Association