Apply for a brew pub endorsement

A brew pub endorsement is an add-on to your liquor sales licence. This lets you sell and serve beer that you manufacture at your licensed premises. Find information here about how to apply for a brew pub endorsement.

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You can include an endorsement when you apply for your liquor sales licence using our online iAGCO portal . Or, you can add one after your application has been approved.


There’s no fee for a brew pub endorsement.

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A brew pub endorsement is an add-on to your liquor sales licence. This lets you sell and serve beer that you manufacture at your licensed premises. The beer must be manufactured at your licensed premises. If you’re looking for a wine pub endorsement, see the wine pub endorsement page.

There is one exception. With a brew pub endorsement, beer that you manufacture can be sold, served and consumed at a place other than where the beer is manufactured if you have:

  • at least a 51 percent interest in the business carried on at the other premises
  • a liquor sales licence that applies to the other premises

As a licence holder, you can sell, serve, and allow patrons to consume the beer you make according to the caterer’s endorsement attached to the licence containing the brew pub endorsement. 

If you have a brew pub endorsement, you can offer your beer for takeout and delivery if you meet the requirements set out in regulation.  

You need to comply with all federal requirements. For more information, contact your nearest regional federal excise office . See the brew pub endorsement section of Ontario regulation 746/21 for more details.


You must apply for or hold a liquor sales licence to apply for a brew pub endorsement. 


There is no fee for a brew pub endorsement. 

Step 1: Prepare your application

Before you apply for a brew pub endorsement, you’ll need to know whether you operate both the licensed area and the proposed manufacturing facility. If you don’t, you’ll need to identify the individuals and/or the entities that will operate the manufacturing facility.

The AGCO will also need a full description of the processes and methods to be used in producing the beer on the premises.

Step 2: Apply online

If you hold a liquor sales licence and want to add a brew pub endorsement, you will need to log in to your iAGCO account to apply.

Apply for an endorsement now

If you do not hold a liquor sales licence, you’ll need to create an account on the iAGCO portal to apply for one. When applying, click "add secondary" on the first screen. 

Apply for a licence now

Step 3: Wait for a decision

Once you’ve submitted your application, the AGCO will review your application. The AGCO may ask you for more information.

Know your responsibilities

 If you’ve been approved for a brew pub endorsement, you need to run your brew pub properly. As a licensee, you need to follow the standards, laws and regulations that apply to this endorsement. This includes any terms and conditions. Be sure to read:

For more information, see the responsibilities and resources for liquor licensees.