Apply for a bring-your-own-wine endorsement

A bring-your-own-wine endorsement lets patrons to bring sealed, unopened containers of commercially made wine to a restaurant or banquet room to drink. Find information here about how to apply for a bring-your-own-wine endorsement.

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You can include an endorsement when you apply for your liquor sales licence using our online iAGCO portal . Or, you can add one after your application has been approved.


There’s no fee for a bring-your-own-wine endorsement.

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A bring-your-own-wine endorsement gives you the ability to allow patrons to bring sealed, unopened containers of commercially made wine to a restaurant or banquet room for their own consumption.

You or one of your employees must open the wine that the patron has brought into the restaurant or banquet room and serve it to that patron. If the endorsement is for a banquet room, you need to make sure that wine is served while patrons are seated at tables in the banquet room, eating a meal.

“Commercially-made wine” means wine made by a manufacturer. This doesn’t include wine made at a ferment on premise facility, wine made at locations with a wine pub endorsement, fortified wine or homemade wine.


You must hold a valid liquor sales licence to apply for a bring-your-own-wine endorsement. All rules, regulations and standards established by the Registrar for selling and serving of liquor apply. You can’t use this endorsement in combination with a caterer’s endorsement that may be attached to the licence.


There is no fee for a bring-your-own wine endorsement. 

Step 1: Prepare your application

When you apply for a bring-your-own wine endorsement, be prepared to answer the following questions:

  • Is the location that you want the bring-your-own wine endorsement for a restaurant or a banquet room?
  • Will this endorsement only be used at the licensed premises named in this application?
  • Will this endorsement apply to all the proposed licensed areas within the premises? If no, indicate the area(s) named on your liquor licence to which this endorsement will be applied to.

Step 2: Apply online

If you hold a liquor sales licence and want to add a bring-your-own-wine endorsement, you will need to log in to your iAGCO account to apply.

Apply for an endorsement now

If you do not hold a liquor sales licence, you’ll need to create an account on the iAGCO portal to apply for one. When applying, click "add secondary" on the first screen. 

Apply for a licence now

Step 3: Wait for a decision

Once you’ve submitted your application, the AGCO will review your application. The AGCO may ask you for more information if we need to. 

Know your responsibilities

 If you’ve been approved for a bring-your-own-wine endorsement, you need to know your responsibilities. As a licensee, you need to follow the standards, laws and regulations that apply to this endorsement. This includes any terms and conditions. Be sure to read:

For more information, see the responsibilities and resources for liquor licensees.