Diversity, Inclusion & Accessibility

Learn about the AGCO's commitment and strategy for being a diverse, inclusive and accessible agency.


As a regulatory agency serving the people of Ontario, the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has always been committed to delivering inclusive, accessible, and responsive services to our customers, stakeholders and the public. We continually strive to integrate Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (DI&A) sustainably into our operations to enhance our organizational effectiveness and “People First” approach both internally and externally.

Moving forward

In early 2021, we began working with advisory firm KPMG to review our DI&A goals, assess our current state and help us craft a strategy that delivers the kind of structural, systemic and cultural change we want to make at the AGCO. In late 2021, KPMG provided their recommendations to us for consideration in developing our DI&A strategy and implementation approach. These include programs and initiatives, some of which we have already implemented or are in the process of implementing. This is a multi-year journey, that will take time to fully execute. We have come a long way; however, we acknowledge there is still more to do.

Report (January 2022) – Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility at the AGCO

Click below to view the report developed by KPMG.

Download Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility at AGCO