Impaired driving programs

The AGCO and the Ontario Association of Police Chiefs work together to educate businesses about selling alcohol safely. Learn more here about the impaired driving programs we jointly operate.

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The AGCO works together with the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police to address issues related to safety at liquor-licensed establishments. The Last Drink Program and Police Reports Program help the AGCO to work with licence holders to ensure they understand their obligations and are operating in compliance with the rules. With these programs, we continue to address risks related to the service of alcohol, including cases of impaired driving. 

The Last Drink Program

The AGCO and police services share information related to incidents of drinking and driving, where the driver consumed alcohol at a licensed establishment. The AGCO educates these licensees on their obligations related to monitoring a customer’s sobriety, not permitting drunkenness, and not selling or serving alcohol to an intoxicated person. The AGCO also uses the information to focus inspection and compliance activities. 

Here’s how it works.

When a person is charged with certain alcohol-related driving offences, the police will ask them where they had their last drink. If the driver provides the information, police notify the AGCO. An AGCO Inspector will visit the licensee to discuss their obligations under the Liquor Licence and Control Act, 2019. They’ll reiterate the importance and responsibility of complying with laws related to public safety concerns such as over-service, serving minors, and hours of operation.

Upon receiving a police report under the Last Drink Program, an AGCO Inspector meets with the licence holder to discuss the incident. The Inspector reminds them to monitor the sobriety levels of their patrons. The AGCO monitors and works with the licensee for the next rolling six-month period. Additional, progressive, action is taken if the AGCO receives subsequent police reports under the Last Drink Program during the six-month period. 

The AGCO works to help licensees understand how they can meet their obligations under the legislative framework. 

For more information see the Last Drink Program information sheet.

Police Reports Program

Our policing partners notify the AGCO when there is an incident related to a licensed premise or permitted event, which contributes to a serious injury or death. Police are also encouraged to provide information when there is not a serious injury or death. When the AGCO receives a police report, we evaluate the risk related to the operation of the licensed establishment. The AGCO reviews police notes, inspection reports, surveillance footage, and the compliance history of the licensee. Our review may lead to certain regulatory actions, such as education, warning letters, conditions, monetary penalties, suspensions or a revocation of the liquor licence. The AGCO can also add conditions to a licence to help improve compliance. 

If you have any questions about the Last Drink Program, Police Reports Program or the AGCO’s general compliance approach, please reach out to an AGCO Inspector or contact customer service.