Apply for teletheatre location registration

Find information on this page about how to register your new teletheatre location. These businesses may also be called "off-track betting" locations.

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Apply online to register your off-track betting location (teletheatre) using our online self-service iAGCO portal


$100 annually.

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To register your teletheatre, you must have an agreement with an AGCO-licensed racetrack operator.


Type of registrationFee (annual)
Teletheatre location registration$100

The AGCO must receive your application fee before we can process your application.

For more information on the fee schedule visit our Horse racing licensing/registration fees page.

Step 1: Prepare your application

As part of your application, you’ll need to submit these things:

  • letter of agreement with an AGCO-licensed racetrack operator confirming its support for you to open the teletheatre location
  • constituting documents (certificate or articles of incorporation; charter/by-laws; partnership agreement; limited partnership agreement; limited partnership declaration; shareholder’s agreement; trust agreement; letter of good standing) – for corporations, ownership identified must total 100%
  • copy of a letter advising the municipality of the application submitted to the AGCO
  • copy of a letter advising the local horseperson’s association that you’re applying to the AGCO for a licence
  • proof of ownership or tenancy (lease agreement, offer to lease, property deed or rental agreement)
  • personal disclosure through the application for all shareholders holding ownership, as well as any directors and managers
  • other documents to be determined on a case-by-case basis

Step 2: Apply online

If you’re applying for the first time you need to set up an iAGCO account . To get a teletheatre location registration, create an account on the iAGCO portal. Once you’ve set up your iAGCO account, you can apply. 

Apply for a registration now

Step 3: Wait for a decision

Once you’ve submitted your application, the AGCO will review it. The AGCO makes every effort to process licence and registration applications in a timely manner. We may ask for more information if we need to.

The AGCO will let you know when we’ve finished processing your application.

Know your responsibilities

You must meet the Registrar’s Standards for your registration. You must follow related laws and regulations. You also must adhere to any Terms and Conditions.  

Learn more about your responsibilities  in the responsibilities and resources section.