Thoroughbred — Chapter 23: Timers and Clockers

23.01  There shall be one or more timers. They shall determine the official time of each race.

23.02  Deleted.

23.03  The time of each race shall be announced and prominently displayed.

23.04  Deleted.

23.05  Deleted. .

23.06  An Official Timer, to be appointed by the Association and approved by the Registrar, shall attend at an Association racetrack daily for morning workouts, shall time all workouts at such racetrack and make public the length and time of the workouts. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.

23.07  Every Commission licensee accompanying a horse to the racing strip for a workout shall correctly identify to the timer the horse, state the distance over which such horse is to be worked and the point on the racing strip where it is intended to start the workout.

23.08  Clockers shall not be permitted access to the stabling area of any racetrack unless they are licensed by the Commission. They shall restrict their activities to such parts of the racetrack as may be designated by the Association concerned.