Thoroughbred — Chapter 30: Apprentice Jockeys

30.01  Apprentice jockeys shall be bound by all the Rules for jockeys, except insofar as the Rules may be in conflict with the Rules for apprentices in this Chapter.

30.02  A copy of all apprentice jockey contracts or certificates, wherever made, shall be filed with the Commission.

30.03  Apprentice Jockey certificates may be entered into for a period of three years.

30.04  A first application for an apprentice jockey’s licence shall be accompanied by:

  1. Evidence that the applicant has had at least one year’s experience with a racing stable which is acceptable to the Stewards;
  2. His/her birth certificate or acceptable proof of his/ her date of birth.

30.05  No apprentice shall ride in a race for two-year-olds without permission of the Stewards.

30.06  No apprentice shall carry a crop in a race until he/she has ridden in at least five races and then only with the permission of the Stewards.

30.07  Only races reported in an industry-recognized database, such as Equibase shall be considered in determining the allowance to which an apprentice jockey is entitled.

30.08  Upon an apprentice jockey losing all rights to claim an apprentice jockey allowance, he/she shall not ride again without the permission of the Stewards until they have been granted a jockey licence by the Commission.

30.09  Deleted.

30.10  A time allowance in addition to one calendar year from his/her fifth winner will be made for an apprentice jockey who does not accept riding engagements after the end of the Ontario season. In such case, he/she will receive a time allowance equal to the number of days from the close of one season’s racing in Ontario to the opening of the next season’s racing in Ontario:

  1. Provided the apprentice jockey has ridden his/her first and fifth winners during the course of a single 12-month period;
  2. And provided, the time allowance shall not extend beyond the next racing season following the date of his/her fifth winner;
  3. And provided the apprentice jockey has ridden the majority of their races in Ontario during the year prior to the said winter extension, and subsequently rides the majority of their races in Canada during the period of that extension.

Extension or modifications shall be granted only with the permission of the parties to the contract or certificate.

30.11  Any apprentice jockey licensed by the Commission who is injured during the course of their duties and becomes incapable of riding for a period of at least 7 days or any such jockey who becomes incapable of riding for a period of 7 days as a result of an accident or illness over which he/she has no control is entitled to an extension of the same duration. This claim for an extension must be accompanied by a doctor’s certificate stating said injury, accident or illness had prevented the apprentice jockey from pursing their profession for a specific period of time. Any apprentice jockey who is prevented from riding as a result of a restriction on racing for more than 7 days may apply to the Stewards or the Registrar for an extension for the period of time that racing was restricted.

30.12  Allowances made under this Chapter must be claimed at the time of entry, and the owner concerned shall not abandon any allowance to which an apprentice is entitled without permission of the Stewards, who may grant or withhold such permission as they may deem proper. Such allowances shall be designated on the entry sheets as follows:
5 pounds   X      10 pounds   XXX

30.13  Subject to Rule 4.04.2 the Stewards or other person designated by the Registrar may grant a certificate to any person who qualifies under the conditions set forth for an individual to be licensed as an apprentice jockey. The said certificate may be refused by the Registrar.

30.14  The granting of the certificate shall permit the holder to be licensed as a free-lance apprentice jockey and shall be approved by the Stewards or other person designated by the Registrar after the applicant has displayed acceptable qualifications. The said certificate may be refused by the Registrar.

30.15  Upon compliance with these requirements, an apprentice jockey certificate will entitle the holder to claim the following weight allowances in all overnight races, except handicaps, provided he/she qualifies under Rule 30.18.

  1. 10 pounds for the first five winners;
  2. 5 pounds for the next forty winners or for one year from the date of his/her fifth winner, whichever happens last;
  3. If in that year he/she has not ridden forty-five winners, the allowance will continue for three years from the date of their first race, or until he/she has ridden forty-five winners, whichever happens first.

30.16  Provisions of contracts and certificates previously in force in Ontario and elsewhere will be recognized by the Registrar.

30.17  All apprentice jockeys’ licences shall be granted on a probationary basis. The Stewards may suspend this licence for any period of time determined by them if in their opinion the apprentice requires more experience or expertise before being allowed to continue riding. If the Stewards act under this rule they may make whatever adjustments they deem necessary in regard to apprentice allowances for the apprentice in question.

30.18  No weight allowances granted an apprentice jockey shall extend past three (3) years from the date of their first race with the exception of medical extension(s). If medical extension(s) have been granted the weight allowances shall extend past three (3) years only for the total number of days granted in said extension(s). To qualify for a medical extension a medical certificate acceptable to the Registrar confirming the requirement for an extension, must be provided prior to the termination of the apprentice jockey’s allowances.

30.19  In all overnight races, when drawing post positions, if the rider/riders named at the time of entry is/are not available at the time of the draw, and an apprentice rider is then named by either the Owner, Trainer, or the Stewards, the apprentice rider so named will be allowed his/her apprentice weight allowance.

30.19.01  In all overnight races, with permission of a Steward, an apprentice weight allowance may be claimed up to the time the mutuels open.