Bingo halls

In order to own or operate a charitable gaming site (including a bingo hall) in Ontario, you must be registered with the AGCO. Find out how to register and run events.


For detailed information regarding the criteria and procedures for relocating, re-opening or upgrading a bingo hall, please see Criteria and Procedures for Establishing Bingo Halls .



There are two fee categories for Operators of charitable gaming sites:

Operators of charitable gaming sites that offer 4 or more events per week – registration fee is $12,000 per year.
Operators of charitable gaming sites that offer 3 or fewer events per week – registration fee is $700 per year.

Sale of Break Open Tickets

A registered Operator does not require a separate registration as a Seller in order to sell break open tickets and/or lottery products on behalf of the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) at its gaming site. However, applicants wishing to sell lottery products on behalf of the OLG must have a valid OLG Retailer Contract.

Pooling bingo halls

At these bingo halls, a group of charities share the proceeds from charitable gaming events with the hall operator. These halls operate under the Bingo Revenue Model.

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Non-pooling bingo halls

These are bingo halls where proceeds are not pooled and shared among a group of charities. They operate under a 60/40 split revenue model.

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