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Where to find help
Gambling can be risky. Here are some links to help you lower your risk or get support when you need it.
ConnexOntario | Get connected with support. ConnexOntario is here for anyone facing challenges with gambling, addiction, substance use, or mental health. Service is free, confidential, and accessible around the clock. If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling, call ConnexOntario at 1-866-531-2600, text them at 247247 (standard messaging rate may apply) or chat with them at www.connexontario.ca . |
The Responsible Gambling Council (RGC) | All in for safer gambling. Information about gambling, safer play, help for problem gambling, and problem gambling prevention. Visit RGC's website to learn more. |
Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction | Learn how to lower your risks. When it comes to gambling, learn how to lower your risks. |
The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) | Problem gambling and technology use treatment services in the Toronto area. Visit the CAMH Problem Gambling and Technology Use Treatment Services website to learn more. |
Suicide Crisis Helpline | Thinking of suicide? Help is available. Call or text 9-8-8. Toll-free. 24/7. Visit the Suicide Crisis Helpline website for more information. |
Limit-setting features (internet gaming only)
Regulated internet gaming sites must provide limit-setting features to players. Limit-setting features can help you manage how much time and money you spend gambling. You can set limits at any time. You are not allowed to lower or remove it until after a cooling-off period of at least 24 hours.
Before you gamble, look for limit-setting features like:
- deposit limits
- loss limits
- time limits
- wager limits (not available on all gaming sites)
Check with your gaming site for more information about how to use their limit-setting features.
Taking a break or self-excluding from gambling
If you’re ready to take a break from gambling, tools are available to help. There are tools to help manage play and take short breaks or self-exclude for a longer-term break from play. Self-excluding can mean stopping your access to casinos, online gaming sites, and removing you from mailing lists and personalized advertisements for six months, one year, or five years.
To take a break or self-exclude from gambling at casinos, charitable gaming centres and OLG.ca:
- Visit Ontario Lottery and Gaming’s (OLG) My PlayBreak website .
To take a break or self-exclude from regulated internet gaming sites:
- Check with each gaming site for more information about their tools for taking breaks and self-excluding.
- iGaming Ontario (iGO) is working on a central self-exclusion program. This would allow players to take a break from all regulated websites. Visit iGO's website
for the latest information.
Responsible gambling standards
The AGCO takes responsible gambling seriously. We’ve created strict standards that regulated businesses must follow. These standards help reduce harms to players and vulnerable people, including young people.
Our responsible gambling standards cover:
- policies and culture
- marketing and advertising
- supporting informed decision-making
- identifying and assisting individuals who may be experiencing harm
- employee training
- self-exclusion and breaks in play
- game design and features
- limit setting features
Want to learn more about responsible gambling in other gaming sectors? Read our responsible gaming standards for internet gaming, lottery, casinos and charitable gaming sectors.
More resources
Looking for internet gambling player information? Visit the Player Support & Information – Online Gambling (igaming) and Sport and Event Betting page.