Renew or manage a racetrack operator licence

Once you have a racetrack operator licence, you need to renew and manage it. This page tells you how to do these things.


You can renew and manage your licence online through iAGCO

When to renew

You need to renew your licence before it expires. 

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Renew your licence or registration

The AGCO will remind you by email or mail 60 days before your licence expires on December 31st. You must apply to renew your licence and submit the right fee before this expiry date. You can apply to renew your licence or authorization through the iAGCO portal .  

If the AGCO receives your application and fee(s) by the expiry date, we’ll send you confirmation of the receipt of your renewal application.

If the AGCO doesn’t receive your renewal application by the expiry date on your licence, your licence will expire. 

Your licence approval may be delayed if there’s been a change in who owns the location and if no one has notified the AGCO. 

How to renew your licence

To renew your licence: 

  1. Look up your licence status, which you can do without having an iAGCO account (see how to look up a licence status)  
  2. Your Racetrack Operator licence will need to be renewed annually. 
  3. If you have created a new iAGCO account, you will need a one-time access code to link your new account to your information already on file (see iAGCO access codes
  4. Start the renewal by clicking on the Renew button beside your registration under the My Approved Licences/ Permits/ Authorizations/ Registrations section on the main menu page.  
  5. Go through all the screens and answer all the questions.  
  6. Upload the following documents: 
  7. Upload the following documents if there has been any change: 
    • corporate structure 
    • details of incorporation 
    • business name registration 
    • details of shares 
    • constituting document(s) 
    • schematic diagram of corporation relationships 
  8. Pay the fee  

All new shareholders holding ownership, officers, directors and key persons named above must supply personal disclosure information through the renewal application. 

Renew your registration now

Make changes to the corporate structure

To make a change to your corporate structure: 

  1. Login to iAGCO. 
  2. Under “Existing Licences/Permits/Authorizations/Registrations” click “Start a transfer application”. There will be two options. One will outline “Corporate Structure Change”. Click on “Apply for this type of transfer"
  3. Select your licence (racetrack operator) and supply your licence or authorization number. 
  4. Follow the remaining prompts. 
  5. Upload the following documents where the change(s) apply: 
    • list of officers, directors and key persons 
    • corporate structure 
    • details of incorporation 
    • business name registration 
    • details of shares 
    • constituting document(s) 
    • schematic diagram of corporation relationships 
  6. You may also need to upload the following documents: 
    • supporting documents  
    • signature of partner(s) 
    • signature of applicant – corporation 
    • signature of applicant -represented by Agent/Rep. 
  7. All new shareholders ownership, officers, directors and key persons named above must provide personal disclosure information through the application. 

Begin transfer application (structure change)

When you add individuals or entities you’ll need to complete a personal disclosure or an entity disclosure. These are available and completed through iAGCO.

  1. Click the “Add” button to add a new person or entity.  
  2. Click “Edit” to the left of each person or entity listed if you want to edit information before you send the personal disclosure request. After you’ve sent the request, you can only change the email address. 
  3. Click “Remove” if you’ve added a person or entity by mistake, but only before you send the disclosure request. 
  4. After you’ve added all the people or entities you want to add, click “Send Disclosure Requests”. iAGCO will send an email to each person or entity with a link to their disclosure request, which they must complete. You cannot submit your application until all disclosure requests are complete. 
  5. If you want to cancel a disclosure request, click the “Cancel Request” link to the right of each person or entity. Cancelling a required disclosure could cause delays in processing your application. 
  6. If the corporate structure for entities has more than one level, you’ll need to reupload a schematic diagram that shows the relationship among the parent and the other companies. 
  7. Upload any other documents requested, based on your answers to the remaining prompts. 

Make other changes to your licence

Under Existing Licences / Permits / Authorizations / Registrations

  1. Click on the link to Request a Change. 
  2. Select your licence/registration type from the drop-down list. 
  3. Select select Other Changes from drop down list. 
  4. Proceed through all the screens and answer all the questions, supply any required documentation and pay the applicable fee to submit your change application. 

Request a change

Cancel a licence

If you want to cancel your licence, you must ask the Registrar on iAGCO.  

  1. Login to iAGCO. 
  2. Under Existing Licences/Permits/Authorizations/Registrations click on Request a Change
  3. Click on Other Changes.
  4. Click on Request to Cancel a Licence/Registration
  5. Specify the reason for cancelling your licence or registration, the effective date of cancellation (yyyy/mm/dd), and if you need written confirmation. 

You can’t reactivate a licence once it’s cancelled. You’ll need to apply for a new application.


Cancel a licence