1. If the city opts out, can it opt back in later?
Yes. A municipality may later reverse its decision to prohibit cannabis retail stores; however, a decision to host cannabis retail stores is final and may not be reversed at any time.
2. How can we find out which municipalities have opted in?
The AGCO maintains a list on its website indicating which municipalities have opted in and opted out. This list is updated daily.
3. Is there a way for municipalities/residents to subscribe to receive notifications of new store applications to ensure that the 15 day window for public notice is not missed?
Yes, anyone can subscribe to receive notifications by email whenever a new store application enters the 15-day public notice period. Emails are sent to subscribers once per day in the morning. Real-time information is also available by searching the iAGCO portal .
4. Does the city have the authority to impose additional location restrictions on top of what the government has already outlined?
No. Provincial legislation prohibits municipalities from passing a by-law that distinguishes land or building use for cannabis from any other kinds of use. Existing municipal requirements in place that apply to all retail use in that respective municipality, would apply to retail cannabis stores.
5. Would you be able to sell from a vehicle like a food truck if the municipality agrees?
No. Retail Store Authorizations apply to physical store locations only. Additionally, the AGCO will not be licensing cannabis delivery services.
6. Is proximity to an addiction center a matter of Public Interest?
The criteria provided in Ontario Regulation 468/18 defines the public interest related to public health and safety, restricting access to youth, and illicit activities. Written submissions from municipalities and residents will need to address how the store location is not acceptable within a distance of another use based on the criteria. Note that there are strict store requirements in place for advertising, visibility of product, and access to the product.