Internet Gaming Suppliers Application Guide

We’re here to help

This Internet Gaming Suppliers Application Guide contains detailed information to assist Gaming-Related Suppliers which are in the internet gaming (igaming) sector in applying for registration.  Please note that there is no special designation or registration category for “internet gaming-only” Gaming-Related Suppliers.  Rather, registration as a Gaming-Related Supplier allows you to provide gaming-related goods and services to the whole of the regulated gaming sector, subject to any terms and conditions imposed by the Registrar.

We are looking forward to working with you on your application. Subject matter experts are available to respond to your eligibility and compliance-related inquiries including registration application questions.  A process is also in place to coordinate and connect applicants with iGaming Ontario staff as required. Please direct your inquiries about applying for registration as a Supplier to AGCO Customer Service through one of the following:

Once you have submitted your application, dedicated contacts (including those within our Licensing and Registration Branch) will work with you throughout the process and liaise with other team members where applicable.

Important Notes

As you complete your application, please take note of the following:

  • The Guide does not include all details of your legal responsibilities as a registrant. Please ensure that you are fully aware of those responsibilities including those set out in the Gaming Control Act, 1992 and its regulations. The Gaming Control Act, 1992 is available online at e-Laws  or by contacting Publications Ontario at 416-326-5300 or toll-free at 1-800-668-9938.
  • Registrants must comply with the relevant Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming.
  • Do not misrepresent or omit any material fact(s). Each statement made in your application is subject to verification.
  • It is a serious offence to knowingly provide false information on the forms and on any attachments.
  • The provision of false, incomplete, or misleading information or the omission of information on the forms or in the documents submitted with your application, or the failure to notify the Registrar of any material changes to this information which occur after this application is filed, may result in the refusal, suspension or revocation of your Registration.

1. Who needs to register as a Gaming-Related Supplier in the igaming context in Ontario?

A registration as a Gaming-Related Supplier is required in Ontario in the following two circumstances:

  1. Gaming-Related Supplier – Manufactures
    A person that manufactures, provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.
  2. Gaming-Related Supplier – Other
    A person that provides, installs, tests, maintains or repairs gaming equipment or who provides consulting or similar services directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.

Please note that if you intend to carry out activities other than what you indicated on your application, you must notify the Registrar and be approved.  Also, registration as a Gaming-Related Supplier allows you to provide gaming-related goods and services in land-based gaming sectors as well.  If you are currently registered as a Gaming-Related Supplier in Ontario and wish to provide goods and services relating to igaming, please reach out to Senior Eligibility Officers Herman Ender at or Ying Fong at for more information on any additional requirements specific to your circumstances.

The AGCO will look at applications on a case-by-case basis and we will work with you to confirm the details of your application and whether registration as a Gaming-Related Supplier is appropriate for you. The Registrar reserves the discretion to make this determination and will do so in a reasonable manner, focusing on the activity that the company or individual will be engaging in, and not the category of business.  Some of the questions we will ask include whether:

  • You are providing a good or service directly to players.
  • You are manufacturing (e.g., software or hardware) or providing a service.
  • Your goods or services are directly related to the playing of a game or the operation of a gaming site,

While each application is considered on an individual basis, here are some general examples for which registration may be required:

  • Platform providers.
  • Suppliers that manufacture, develop, provide and/or run games and game systems.
  • Customer electronic wallet providers. 
  • Odds makers.
  • Sports integrity monitoring organizations.
  • Independent Test Labs.

As you consider whether you need to register as a Gaming-Related Supplier, our goal is to provide as much guidance as possible. We are available to consult with entities and individuals who have questions before and during the application process.  For suppliers who require guidance with respect to the difference between a Gaming-Related Supplier and an Operator, please refer to the Internet Gaming Operator Application Guide

Who doesn’t need to register as a gaming-related supplier?

The Gaming Control Act, 1992 contains a category of registration called Non-Gaming-Related Supplier that does not apply to igaming.1

If you fall into the category of Non-Gaming-Related Supplier, you do not require registration to be part of the regulated Ontario igaming scheme.

A Non-Gaming-Related Supplier is a person that provides only goods or services that, in the opinion of the Registrar, are not directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of a gaming site.  A Non-Gaming-Related supplier may not provide gaming-related goods and services; however, a registered Gaming-Related Supplier may provide non-gaming-related goods and services, in addition to those that are gaming-related.

Given that the AGCO will make case-by-case determinations of whether registration is required, it is not possible to provide a definitive list of the types of businesses that would not have to register.  Our goal will be to provide as much guidance as possible and be available to consult with entities and individuals who have questions before they submit an application.  The following, however, are some general examples of types of businesses or services that may not require registration:

  • Companies or individuals that provide technology components or services (e.g., ISPs, COTS hardware, cabling or installation services, cloud server services, payment processing that does not include a customer wallet function, and geo-location providers).
  • Companies or individuals that provide business consulting or other services that may not be directly related to the playing of a lottery schedule or the operation of a gaming site, such advisory services related to finances, organizational development, and customer service.
  • Certain businesses or individuals that might sometimes be called “marketing affiliates” (i.e. websites that send traffic to igaming operator websites in exchange for a commission or other form of payment). 

2. What regulatory fees will be charged at registration?

A supplier is required to pay a regulatory fee of $3,000 and $15,000, depending on the category of registration.  This regulatory fee must be submitted with the application.  Gaming registrants can select a one or two-year term option, with fees  payable to match the length of the term.  The AGCO’s Gaming Registration Fee Schedule page lists all types of regulatory fees.

Please note the following with respect to making this payment:

  • When using online services, all payments or applicable fees under $30,000 must be made by Visa, MasterCard, Visa Debit or MasterCard Debit.
  • Payments of $30,000 or more must be made by money wire transfer or electronic funds transfer. Please note that cheques and cash are not accepted as forms of payment when using iAGCO online services. For more information please refer to the Money Wire Transfer and Electronic Funds Transfer page on the AGCO website.
  • This regulatory fee must be received with your application.

In addition to the regulatory fee noted above, applicants and Registrants may be required to pay the reasonable costs of investigations and inquiries prior to processing of their application, and/or  as required once registered. 

3. Ceasing unregulated Ontario igaming market activities by registrants and applicants

The AGCO’s regulatory framework helps ensure, among other things, that igaming in Ontario is conducted, managed, and operated with honesty and integrity, and protects the Ontario public and players. Ontario’s framework enables the Registrar to consider applications and provide registrations where operators have met the relevant regulatory requirements.

As of October 31st, 2022, a new Standard requires registrants and applicants to cease any unregulated activities in the Ontario igaming market.  The requirements of this new Standard are as follows:

  1. Operators and gaming-related suppliers must cease all gaming activities in Ontario’s igaming market if, to carry out those activities in iGaming Ontario’s regulated online lottery scheme, it would require registration under the GCA.
  2. Operators and gaming-related suppliers shall not enter into any agreements or arrangements with any unregistered person who is providing the operator or the gaming-related supplier with any goods or services if, to provide those goods and services in iGaming Ontario’s regulated online lottery scheme, it would require registration under the GCA.
  3. For greater certainty, these requirements apply to applicants.

These requirements will provide the basis for future eligibility and compliance activities. 

4. Submitting information through iAGCO

Applicants conduct all their AGCO registration-related transactions online through the iAGCO web-based portal. By creating an iAGCO account , you will be able to apply for and manage your AGCO-issued licences, permits, authorizations and registrations, anytime and from anywhere.

  • Once approved, you will receive your registration certificate by email (also available for download via your iAGCO account ).
  • You can also view the real-time status of your applications and reuse your information once it has been saved, for all your future applications, amendments and renewals. You only need to update that information when changes occur. 

5. Information to be Submitted

To allow the AGCO to begin processing your application, your submission should include the following:

  • Supplier Application
  • Personal Disclosure for individuals identified below
  • Entity Disclosure (if applicable)
  • Regulatory fee
  • Supporting documents (as applicable)

For your Supplier Application, supporting documents may include:

  • Business Name Registration
  • Constituting Document(s)
  • Certificate or Articles of Incorporation
    • Charter/By-Laws
    • Partnership Agreement
    • Limited Partnership Agreement
    • Limited Partnership Declaration
    • Shareholders' Agreement
    • Trust Agreement
    • Any other constituting documentation relevant to the entity
  • Details of Shares
  • Extra-Provincial Power of Attorney (for Limited Partnerships)
  • Financial Statements
  • Government-Issued Identification
  • Personal History – Gaming
  • Schematic Diagram
    • Partnership & Limited Partnership: showing the relationship between the partners, any affiliates or subsidiary entities, and any individual or entity that has a 5% or greater interest in the partnership. 
    • Corporation: showing the relationship between the applicant and all shareholders (including parent or holding corporations) owning 5% or more of any shares of the applicant corporation, and any affiliated or subsidiary corporations. 
    • Joint Venture: showing the relationship between the joint venture partners, any affiliates or subsidiary entities, and any individual or entity that has a 5% or greater interest in the joint venture. 
    • Association: showing the relationship between the applicant and any entities forming the association, any affiliates or subsidiary entities, and any individual or entity that has a 5% or greater interest in the association. 
  • Signature of Applicant or Partner(s) as applicable
  • Tax Return and Tax Assessment
  • Criminal Background Check (if Canada is not the primary residence of an individual)
  • Description of Third-Party Suppliers
  • Description of Quality Assurance Process

6. Entity Disclosure

Entity Disclosure must be completed by the following entities:

  • An applicant that is a corporation (whether profit or not for profit) or a trust;
  • A corporate shareholder (including any parent or holding corporation) holding 5% or more of any shares of an applicant corporation; and
  • A corporation or a trust with an interest in an applicant entity (e.g., through a partnership, joint venture, association).

Note: Do not complete Entity Disclosure for corporations affiliated to the applicant through common ownership and/or subsidiaries of the applicant corporation unless requested by the Registrar.

For more information, please refer to the Personal and Entity Disclosure Requirements Guide.

7. Personal Disclosure

Personal Disclosure* must be completed by the following individuals associated with an applicant entity:

  • A sole proprietor (in the case of an applicant who is a sole proprietor);
  • A partner (in the case of an applicant that is a partnership);
  • An officer or director of an applicant corporation and/or any parent or holding corporations;
  • A shareholder holding 5% or more of any shares of an applicant corporation;
  • A trustee and beneficiary of any trusts that hold any shares or interest in an applicant and/or its parent or holding corporations; and
  • A principal employee of an applicant.

For those individuals for whom Canada is not the primary place of residence, a recent (within the last 12 months) criminal background check, must be submitted with the disclosure. 

*For more information, please refer to the Personal and Entity Disclosure Requirements Guide.

8. Declaration

The declaration must be completed by an individual who has signing authority (i.e. authority to bind) on behalf of the business entity (applicant) named in the application.

Thank you — and don’t forget, we’re here to help.

We are excited that you are considering becoming part of the open and competitive regulated igaming scheme in Ontario!  As we noted at the beginning of this guide, we are looking forward to working with you on your application.  Our subject matter experts are ready to respond to your eligibility and compliance-related inquiries. 

We will also coordinate and connect applicants with iGaming Ontario staff as required.  Please direct your inquiries about applying for registration as a Supplier to AGCO Customer Service through one of the following:

Once you have submitted your application, dedicated contacts (including those within our Licensing and Registration Branch) will work with you throughout the process and liaise with other team members where applicable.

1 Section 13.1(3) of Ontario Regulation 78/12 of the Gaming Control Act, 1992 provides that:

A person is exempt from the requirement to register as a non-gaming-related supplier if the goods and services provided by the person are for,  

  1. An online lottery scheme; 
  2. a gaming site for an online lottery scheme; or 
  3. a business related to an online lottery scheme or a gaming site for an online lottery scheme.