Apply to operate a liquor delivery service

Find out how to apply for a licence to operate a liquor delivery service.


Apply online for a licence to operate a liquor delivery service using our self-service iAGCO portal .


2-year term: $500.

4-year term: $700. 

Contact us

Need help? Contact us now by email or telephone. 


The AGCO licences and regulates people who want to offer liquor delivery services. 


To get a liquor delivery service licence, you must hold a valid AGCO Board approved certificate. You must have completed your training by your first day of work. All of our Board approved programs can be found on the Responsible Liquor Sale, Service and Delivery Training page. 


Type of application One time Two years Four years 
New application  N/A $500 $700 
Renewal N/A $200 $400 
Share transfer $500 N/A N/A 
Name change (corporate/business/operating) 


(fee is waived if name change is part of renewal or transfer application) 

N/A N/A 
Legal entity change No fee N/A N/A 
Transfer $500 N/A N/A 
Corporate structure change No fee N/A N/A 
Removal or addition of conditions on consent No fee N/A N/A 
Voluntary surrender of licence No fee N/A N/A 

Apply for a licence

Read the steps below to learn how to apply for a licence to operate a liquor delivery service. 

Note: You should allow at least eight weeks to get a licence. The process can take longer if your application is incomplete or inaccurate.

Step 1: Prepare your application

 To apply for a licence to operate a delivery service, be prepared to submit these documents: 

Step 2: Apply online

To get a liquor delivery service licence, create an account on the iAGCO portal . Once you’ve set up your iAGCO account, you can apply for your licence.

Apply for a licence now

Step 3: Wait for a decision

Once you’ve submitted your application, the AGCO will review your application. The AGCO may ask you for more information if we need to. 

Know your responsibilities

As a licensee, you are responsible for meeting all interim registrar’s standards that apply to your licence, all applicable laws and regulations, and any terms and conditions that may be applied to your licence.  

Make sure you understand all your responsibilities as a licensee. Read the resources available to help you better understand how to represent a manufacturer responsibly and stay in compliance. 

Be sure to read: