View the various Departments and Branches of the AGCO at a glance
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario
iGaming Ontario Board
Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP)
Chair and Board of the AGCO
Chief Executive Officer and Registrar
Communication and Service Experience Division
Service Strategy and Experience
People and Culture Division
Human Resources
Organizational Development and Change Management
Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
Information and Information Technology Division
Business Optimization and Insights
Digital Platforms
and Cybersecurity
Enterprise Data and Analytics
Office of the CIO and Digital Transformation
Investigation and Enforcement Bureau
Intelligence and
Investigative Support
Legal Services
Advisory Services
Legal Services
Litigation Services
Operations Division
Audit and Financial Investigations
Technology Regulation and igaming compliance
Licensing and
Operational Priorities, Planning and Performance
Anti Money Laundering
Corporate Affairs, Policy and Planning Division
Strategic Planning, Prioritization and Corporate Performance
Strategic Policy and Market Insights
Corporate Affairs, Governance and Agency Oversight
Project Management Office
Finance and Risk Management
Procurement, Payroll and Administration
Internal Audit and Risk
Financial Planning and Systems
Revised October 2024
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The CEO, under the direction of the Board, provides leadership and direction to the staff of the AGCO. The Executive Office shapes the values, principles and major operating policies of the AGCO, provides strategic direction and leadership to the various operating Branches of the AGCO, and ensures the AGCO fulfills its regulatory mandate in an effective and efficient manner. Advice is provided to the Board, and the annual Business Plan for the AGCO is prepared and presented to the AGCO Board for consideration and approval.
Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP)
The Horse Racing Appeal Panel
(HRAP) is an independent adjudicative body mandated to hear appeals of decisions made under the Rules of Racing. It was established on April 1, 2016 under the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015. Members are appointed to the Panel by the Board of the AGCO.