For First Nations

Find information about cannabis retail stores on First Nation reserves.

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Application process

To operate a cannabis retail store on a First Nations reserve, you must apply for a Retail Operator Licence (ROL), a Retail Store Authorization (RSA), and a Retail Manager Licence (RML), if applicable. 

All applicants are required to meet the requirements of the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018, Ontario Regulation 468/18 and the Registrar’s Standards for Cannabis Retail Stores.

A First Nations band council must approve a cannabis store’s location on their First Nations reserve in the form of a band council resolution. A complete RSA application must include this band council resolution. Including the date of the resolution and the name of operator is optional but will assist the AGCO during the application process.

Note: Your store does not have to go through the public notice process.

As stated in O. Reg. 468/18 applicants for a ROL, RSA (including transfers ), RML and the renewals of such licences and authorizations involving cannabis retail stores on a First Nations reserve are eligible for an application fee exemption. Additional supporting documents are required to support the fee exemption, such as a band council resolution or an offer of employment from the operator of a store on reserve. 

Note: You can start your application on iAGCO, save a draft and contact Customer Service with your application file number for help with the fee exemption. 

Stores on First Nations Reserves Information Archives

Note: The information below is historical cannabis information for reference only.
  • July 3, 2019: the Government of Ontario announced its plans for a second allocation of cannabis retail store authorizations (RSA). The allocation allowed for the authorization of up to 26 stores on First Nations reserves. 
  • July 31, 2019: the AGCO began accepting applications from applicants who wished to operate a store on a First Nations reserve.
  • December 12, 2019: the Government of Ontario announced its move towards an open market for private cannabis retail in Ontario and related amendments to O. Reg. 468/18 made under the Cannabis Licence Act, 2018. As a result, the AGCO modified the application process for cannabis retail licensing. These changes, introduced in stages to align with the timelines established by the government, did not impact the process for those who completed a Retail Store Authorization Intent to Apply - First Nations Reserve application before August 1, 2019. If eligible, the AGCO licensed these applicants and authorized their stores as soon as those processes were completed.
  • January 6, 2020: the First Nations reserve allocation process ended and the AGCO started accepting ROL applications from any interested applicant. However, the restriction on the total number of store authorizations permitted in Ontario and their regional distribution was to be maintained until March 2, 2020. 
  • March 2, 2020: the restrictions on the total number of store authorizations permitted in the province, and their regional distribution, was revoked. The AGCO began accepting applications for RSA from all interested applicants. Applicants who wish to operate a cannabis retail store on a First Nation reserve are still required a signed Band Council Resolution approving the store location.