Manage a manufacturer's licence

Find out how to change, renew or transfer an existing manufacturer’s licence to sell.

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Manage your manufacturer’s licence using our online self-service iAGCO portal

Renewal Fees

Fees vary depending on the type of manufacturer’s licence you want.  

Contact us

Need help? Contact us now by email or telephone. 


Type of application One time Two years Four years 
Renewal application     
Brewery licence N/A $3,150 $6,300 
Distillery licence N/A $2,520 $5,040 
Winery licence N/A $1,260 $2,520 
Transfer of shares – brewery, distillery or winery licence
$1,000 N/A N/A 
Business and mailing address change – brewery, distillery or winery licence
No fee N/A N/A 
Change of premises manager or operator – brewery, distillery or winery licence
No fee N/A N/A 
Corporate structure change  
No fee N/A N/A 
Premises information change – brewery, distillery or winery licence 
No fee N/A N/A 
Removal and/or addition of conditions – brewery, distillery or winery licence 
No fee N/A N/A 
Voluntary surrender of licence 
No fee N/A N/A 

Renewing your manufacturer’s licence

You can select a two-year or four-year term when you renew your licence. There are fees that reflect these terms. 

The AGCO will remind you by email or mail 60 days and 7 days before your licence expires. You must apply to renew your licence and submit the right fee before this expiry date. You can apply to renew your licence through the iAGCO portal

If we get your application and fee(s) by the expiry date, we’ll send you confirmation of your renewal application. This will allow you to operate until you receive your renewed licence. 

Important: Expired manufacturer’s licences and endorsements can’t be renewed.  

If the AGCO doesn’t get your renewal application by the expiry date on your manufacturer’s licence, your licence will expire. It won’t be valid anymore.    

You’ll have to apply for a new manufacturer’s licence & endorsement(s).  

You can’t operate your winery, brewery or distillery without a valid licence. 

To renew your manufacturer’s licence, the AGCO will need confirmation that:  

If there is a change in ownership, you must report it to the AGCO and submit applicable transfer applications in iAGCO. You need to pay any balance owning with the Ministry of Finance before we can renew your licence. 

Manage your licence

Transfer of licence

You can transfer your licence to someone else provided that the regulatory requirements are met, subject to the approval of the AGCO. The person interested in taking over the licence will need to submit the transfer application.

The Registrar may transfer your licence for up to one year if: 

  • A trustee in bankruptcy or court-appointed receiver buys the business 
  • A mortgagee, franchisor, landlord or executor of the estate of a licensee who dies takes possession of the licensed facility 

The same documents and information are required for the transfer request, as the original application. 

The following documents will also be required: 

  • Consent to transfer  (indicating the agreement of the current licence holder to transfer the licence)   
  • Proof of transfer (confirmation that the purchase of the business has been finalized)  

The AGCO won’t approve a transfer if: 

  • You have an outstanding monetary penalty 
  • The person or entity you want to transfer the licence to isn’t eligible

Transfer application

Closing your business

You need to submit a voluntary surrender of licence application on the iAGCO portal to cancel your licence if you’re closing your licensed business. 

Surrender your licence