Under Ontario's Digital and Data Directive , provincial agencies are required to post a public Data Inventory of all the data sets they create, collect and/or manage. Publishing public Data Inventories is part of Ontario's commitment to improving transparency, accountability and openness.
The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario’s Data Inventory lists all of the agency’s data sets and identifies whether a data set is currently open, in the process of being opened or exempt from being released as open data due to legal, security, privacy, confidentiality or commercially-sensitive reasons. For datasets marked “Will be Made Open/ Public”, some data elements may be removed prior to being made open if they fall under applicable exemptions.
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Data Inventory
- AGCO Open Data Inventory (CSV file) - Last Updated: August 2024
AGCO Open Datasets
As part of the Government of Ontario Digital and Data Directive , the AGCO has made some of its datasets open to the public in machine readable format. These datasets are made available under an Open Government Licence and can be accessed at the links below.
Dataset | Description | Location |
Convenience and Grocery Store Liquor Retail Licences | Lists all Convenience and Grocery stores in Ontario that have been issued liquor retail licences. Data includes licence number, licence type, store name, address, associated legal entity name, licence status, and licence issued/effective/expiry dates. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Farmers' Markets where VQA Wine and/or fruit wine is sold. | List of upcoming dates of sale of Vintners Quality Association (VQA) wine at farmers' markets in Ontario. Includes name of city/town, market name, and days of operation. | Dataset available for search and download (CSV format) on the Farmers' markets page |
List of Liquor Sales License Applications | All liquor sales licence applications currently filed with the AGCO for which a public notification is required, and includes the establishment name and address, submission deadline date, file number, type of application and area(s) applied for. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Horse Racing Appeal Panel List of Decisions and Orders | Lists of the case name, case description, hearing date, decision order/type and link to the published decision (where available). | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) offices | This dataset lists all ACGO regional service office locations, including offices located at racetracks. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link. |
Approved Break Open Ticket Manufacturers | This dataset lists all the registered Break Open Ticket manufacturers which includes the manufacturer’s name, address and contact information. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
List of Electronic Raffle Suppliers and Electronic Raffle Solutions with Features | This dataset lists all the registered Electronic Raffle Suppliers and approved Electronic Raffle Solutions with Features (in no particular order). | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
List of First Expression of Interest Lottery Results (January 11, 2019) | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine the initial 25 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists, iAGCO file number and Legal Name by region. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
List of Second Expression of Interest of Lottery Results (August 20, 2019) | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine an additional 42 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists. Legal name, iAGCO file number, region, Proposed Physical Address of premises and notes. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Disqualified Candidates from First Expression of Interest (EOI) Lottery (January 11, 2019) | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of January 11, 2019 with iAGCO file number only. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Disqualified Candidates from Second Expression of Interest(EOI) Lottery (August 20, 2019) | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of August 20, 2019 with iAGCO file number only. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
Municipalities prohibiting or allowing cannabis retail stores | This dataset lists the opted out or opted in status of all lower-tier Ontario municipalities for having cannabis retail stores in their communities. The date of the municipal resolution is included for municipalities who opted out. | Dataset available for download in CSV format at this link |
AGCO Open Data Inventory Summary
Dataset | Short Description | Long Description | Exemption | |
1 | Payroll, Benefits, HRIS and Online Attendance | This is a web-based solution that contains employee personal, job, compensation, benefits, and attendance information, as well as processes biweekly payroll. | The data contained in this database is used to track employee and attendance information, and to process employee payroll. | Restricted |
2 | Job Evaluation Manager | This dataset contains job evaluation information. | This is a tool used to conduct job evaluations and stores historical job data. | Restricted |
3 | Data for Quarterly and Annual Workforce Report | This dataset contains a variety of metrics and analysis related to the workforce and human resources related activities reported for a specific quarter or fiscal year. | Metrics related to workforce and human resources related activities. These include organizational metrics and demographic information for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) such as workforce size, completed recruitments, job postings, training hours, information related to labour relations and complaints, etc. Certain data, including secondment and promotion data, reported to the public in the AGCO Annual Report. Staff numbers are made available to the public in the AGCO Business Plan. | Will be made open/public |
4 | Travel and Hospitality Disclosure - Board & Chair, Executive & Directors, and Top Five Claimants Semi-Annually | Travel and Hospitality Disclosures for Board, Executives & Directors (quarterly) and Top 5 Claimants (semi-annually). | This dataset shows the person's name and title, purpose of the trip(s), date and destination of the trip(s), names of government/ agency attendees, if applicable, plus a summary of expenses for relevant air fare, other transportation, accommodation, meals, hospitality and incidentals. | Under review |
5 | Board Report | Monthly reports to the AGCO Board. | Monthly reports to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Board including revenue financial statements (compares current and prior year revenue with variance commentary), expense reports (of the year to-date expenditure position by standard groups of accounts), and consulting service and other contracts reports (shows all consulting and other contracts and their details). | Restricted |
6 | Break Open Ticket Volumes | Monthly Break Open Ticket Volume reports | This dataset is based on reports from break open ticket (BOT) manufacturers on the number and types of BOT boxes sold. It assesses, for internal purposes, total volume, the percent by each manufacturer, and variances from previous years, etc. | Restricted |
7 | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) Performance Measures | This dataset contains key performance indicators aligned to the 5 AGCO Strategic Goals, Modern Regulator, Value for Money, Strategic Engagement, Quality Service Engagement, and Rewarding Workplace. | The purpose of this Performance Measurement Framework is to act as an addendum to the Strategic Plan and outline an approach to gauge the AGCO's performance against the agency's Strategic Goals and Planning Themes. It includes regulatory compliance data (e.g., data related to infractions), service-related data (e.g., average application turnaround time, response to service quality surveys), data on strategic engagement (e.g., percent increase in participation in national and international working groups), and Human Resources assessments (e.g., increase in training hours). | Under review |
8 | Performed Liquor Inspections Count | Count of weekly liquor inspections performed for the last fifty-three weeks | The report includes calendar year, week of the year and count of weekly liquor inspections performed for the last fifty-three weeks. | Will be made open/public |
9 | Liquor Infraction Count | Count of weekly liquor infractions for the last fifty-three weeks. | The report includes the calendar year, week of the year and count of weekly liquor infractions for the last fifty-three weeks. | Will be made open/public |
10 | Big 5 Infraction Count | Count of weekly Big 5 liquor infractions for the last fifty-three weeks. | The report includes the calendar year, week of the year and count of weekly Big 5 liquor infractions for the last fifty-three weeks. | Will be made open/public |
11 | Big 5 infraction Rate | Count of weekly Big 5 liquor infraction rate for the last fifty-three weeks. | The report includes the calendar year, week of the year and the weekly Big 5 liquor infraction rate for the last fifty-three weeks. | Will be made open/public |
12 | Weekly Liquor Inspection | This report provides data on the liquor establishments that were inspected. | The report includes liquor establishment and inspection data and the risk level of the establishment. | Restricted |
13 | Weekly Liquor Infraction Count | This report provides establishment infraction data | The report includes establishment and infraction data and the risk level of the establishment. | Restricted |
14 | Weekly Big 5 liquor infraction | Establishment Big 5 liquor infraction data for last week. | The report includes establishment data, its risk level and Big 5 infraction rate. | Restricted |
15 | Liquor Inspection and Infraction report | Data on liquor establishment inspection and infraction including geographic location | The report includes liquor establishment weekly inspection and infraction data. | Restricted |
16 | Liquor Infraction detail report | Data on establishment and its infraction rates. | The report includes liquor establishment data and details on the type and number of liquor infractions. | Restricted |
17 | Monthly media calls | A summary of the number of media calls, plus a short description of the query, media outlet and date. | The media log details the date of the call, the name of the media outlet, as well as the description of the questions asked. | Will be made open/public |
18 | Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) offices | List of locations of all AGCO offices. | This dataset lists all ACGO regional service office locations, including standardbred, thoroughbred, and quarterhorse offices located at racetracks and their hours of operation. | Open/Public |
19 | Horse Racing Appeal Panel Database | This database contains data on the adjudication activities of the Horse Racing Appeal Panel . | This databset contains data on the notices of appeal received, including type of appeal (A vs. B), and data on the status of the appeal. | Restricted |
20 | Police Reports Tracking Sheet | This is the master tracking sheet for all reports received from Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario partners in law enforcement. | This is the master tracking sheet for all reports received from Alcohol and Gaming Commision of Ontario partners in law enforcement. It includes charges laid by local police and internal workflows (e.g. reports forwarded to the Deputy Registrar Review process). | Restricted |
21 | Charitable Gaming Inspection Statistics | Charitable Gaming Inspection Statistics | This document summarizes the number of OLG and charitable gaming inspections completed by AGCO inspectors. | Will be made open/public |
22 | Monthly Enforcement Activity Statistics | Tallies of all inspections completed by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Inspectors. | This spreadsheet communicates monthly tallies of all inspections completed by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Inspectors, sorted by category (e.g. liquor, lottery, Break Open Ticket), compares tallies to other periods, and communicates year-to -date figures. | Will be made open/public |
23 | Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) Triage Statistics | Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Triage Statistics | This Word document tracks all Ontario Lottery Gaming investigations forwarded to Investigations and Enforcement Branch (IEB) for disussion and/or IEB investigation | Restricted |
24 | Ontario Provincial Police Last Drink and Police (LDP) Tracking Report | Ontario Provincial Police LDP Tracking Report | This spreadsheet tabulates Last Drink and Police Reports received by the Bureau, sorted by Ontario Provincial Police region. | Restricted |
25 | Investigations - Category 1 & 2 Gaming Assistant - Bingos & Casinos - 2016 | This spreadsheet summarizes regulatory reviews for Category 1 & 2 Gaming Assistants. | This spreadsheet summarizes regulatory reviews for Cat 1 & 2 Gaming Assistants regarding present and prospective Bingo and Casino employees. | Restricted |
26 | Investigations – Seller & Lottery Retail Manager - 2016 | This spreadsheet logs regulatory reviews of current and prospective Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation product sellers and lottery retail managers. | This spreadsheet logs regulatory reviews of current and prospective OLG product sellers and lottery retail managers. | Restricted |
27 | Investigations – Regular Corporate - 2016 | Investigations: Regular Corporate Files - This spreadsheet summarizes regulatory reviews into current and prospective corporate entities. | This spreadsheet summarizes regulatory reviews into current and prospective corporate entities (gaming/nongaming, trade union, and gaming operators). | Restricted |
28 | Assist Other Agency | The Assist Other Agency Report summarizes requests for regulatory information from provincial and international Memorandum of Understanding holders. | This report summarizes requests for regulatory information from provincial and international Memorandum of Understanding holders. | Restricted |
29 | Ontario Provincial Police / Alcohol and Gaming Commission Parking Passes | Ontario Provincial Police / Alcohol and Gaming Commission Parking Passes | These two datasets summarize all parking passes for OPP officers and AGCO Inspectors at 90 Sheppard Ave. in Toronto. | Restricted |
30 | Ontario Provincial Police / Alcohol and Gaming Commission Fleet | Ontario Provincial Police / Alcohol and Gaming Commission Fleet | This spreadsheet lists all vehicles assigned to OPP and AGCO personnel, including pool vehicles. | Restricted |
31 | Ontario Provincial Police Budget Report | Budget Report | This table lists all Ontario Provincial Police employees within the AGCO Investigations and Enforcement Branch, locations they are posted to, badge numbers, WIN, rank. | Restricted |
32 | Quarterly Racing Inspection Statistics | Quarterly Racing Inspection and Investigation Statistics | This table summarizes totals of racing inspections and investigations initiated during the previous quarter. | Will be made open/public |
33 | Daily Activity Report | Daily Activity Report contains Liquor Inspector tracking of inspections and infractions. | This dataset contains information related to daily logs of inspections and infractions by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Liquor Inspectors. Information includes liquor licensee information such as licence numbers, addresses, inspection logs and infraction details. | Restricted |
34 | Lotteries System | This dataset contains lottery licensing information for eligible charitable or religious organizations. | This database is used to store information related to lottery licensing entered by AGCO Gaming Registration Officers (GRO) and contains an eligible charitable or religious organization's licensing information including the licence type, address of licensee, where event is being held and details of the event such as revenue generated and use of proceeds. | Restricted |
35 | Slot History System | This dataset contains inventory, inspections and infractions for electronic gaming machines located in Ontario Gaming sites. | This database contains information related to infractions entered by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Electronic Gaming Inspectors and contains data taken from electronic gaming machines operated in Ontario casinos, slot facilities and E-Bingo sites. Information includes infraction details such as site employee names and postions, compliance issues and remedial action. | Restricted |
36 | Gaming Registation Module | This dataset contains gaming registration information for individuals and organizations working in Ontario Gaming sites. | This database contains information related to Gaming registrations for individuals and organizations who are employed at Ontario gaming sites including casinos, slot facilities and bingo sites. It includes information such as personal information of individuals and contact information of organizations. | Restricted |
37 | Liquor Licensing Module of Liquor Licence Data | This dataset contains information related to Liquor Licensing for individuals and organizations that are engaged in selling liquor in Ontario. Information includes liquor licensee names, addresses, security checks and licence details. | This dataset contains information related to Liquor Licensing for individuals and organizations that are engaged in selling liquor in Ontario. Information includes liquor licensee names, addresses, security checks and licence details. | Restricted |
38 | Compliance Module | Liquor Compliance contains liquor compliance information. | This dataset contains information related to inspections and infractions of liquor licencees, including infraction type, date, inspection locations, etc. | Restricted |
39 | Liquor Special Occasion Permit (SOP) Module | This contains Special Occasion Permits information for permits issued by the LCBO. | This dataset contains information related to Special Occasion Permits (SOP) issued by the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO). Information includes the Refuse to Issue (RTI) list that flags any issues with permit holders and locations that flags LCBO to forward the SOP application to AGCO for review. | Restricted |
40 | Liquor Hearing Module | This dataset contains liquor sanctions information. | This dataset contains information related to Notices of Proposed Orders (NOPO), Order of Monetary Penalties (OMPs), warnings and other sanctions imposed on liquor licences. | Restricted |
41 | Approval System | This dataset contains all approved gaming-related equipment. | This database contains information related to testing of electronic gaming equipment that is entered by the Technical and Laboratory Services, including approval status and conditions on gaming equipment tested. | Will be made open/public |
42 | Gaming Compliance Management System (Checkpoint) | This dataset contains inspections and infractions in Ontario Gaming sites. | This database contains information related to inspections and infractions entered by Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario Gaming Compliance Inspectors. Inspectors enter data from Ontario casinos, slot facilities and Bingo Halls. Information includes inspection checklists, infraction details such as employee names and positions, compliance issues and remedial action. | Restricted |
43 | Lotteries - Event Reports Break Open Tickets | Tracks Break Open Ticket (BOT) sales/prizes/expenses | Tracks Bingo, Loonie progressive, Media bingo, Bingo progressive, Monster (Special) bingo, super jackpot, Break Open Tickets, Nevada tickets, raffle, special occasion gaming event financial information as submitted by the licensees. | Restricted |
44 | Compliance re: Education / Complaints | Tracks incoming complaints from licensee/bingo players. | Tracks complaints from licensee/bingo players including the nature of the complaint and possible personally identifiable information. | Restricted |
45 | Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Active / Pending Suspended Retailers List | Tracks a list from OLG of active/suspended and new lottery retail locations. | This dataset is obtained weekly from the OLG and includes location, expiry date, and establishment information and status of the registration. | Restricted |
46 | Charitable Gaming Summary Reports | Tracks Charitable Gaming statistics. | Tracks Bingo Hall financial information, performance (wins, sales), fees, etc. | Restricted |
47 | Raffles Issued Monthly Summary | Tracks Raffle applications. | Type of raffle, dates of the events, applicant information, terms and conditions. | Restricted |
48 | 50/ 50 Special Draw Raffles - Pilot Project | Tracks Raffle 50/50 statistics. | Dataset includes financial information such as total wagers, revenues, etc. | Restricted |
49 | Retail Store Database | Track on-site/off-site liquor retail stores. | This database is used to generate reports for the number and location of on-site/off-site liquor retail stores for both internal and external stakeholders. | Will be made open/public |
50 | Farmers' Markets where VQA Wine and/or fruit wine is sold. | Upcoming dates of sale of Vintners Quality Association (VQA) wine at farmers' markets in Ontario. | List of upcoming dates of sale of Vintners Quality Association (VQA) wine at farmers' markets in Ontario. Includes name of city/town, market name, and days of operation. | Open/Public (link above) Inactive Dataset as of Jan 1, 2021 |
51 | Master Request for Proposal Spreadsheet | Names of applicants and bundles for gaming modernization. | Details pertaining to applicants and Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation bundles for land-based casino modernization. This includes sensitive proponent information. | Restricted |
52 | Customer Service Complaints Tracker | Tracks negative customer feedback (complaints) | This dataset includes the content of the complaint, date of incident and receipt of complaint, type of complaint (e.g., liquor or gaming), and full contact information (if provided). | Restricted |
53 | Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) Feedback Tracking Log | AODA Feedback Tracking Log used to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities and all external contacts are properly tracked. | AODA Feedback Tracking Log used to track accessibility comments and to ensure compliance with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities and all contacts are properly tracked. | Restricted |
54 | List of Liquor Sales License Applications | All Liquor Sales Licence Applications requiring notice. | All liquor sales licence applications currently filed with the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for which a public notification is required, and includes the establishment name and address, submission deadline date, file number, type of application and area(s) applied for. | Open/Public (link above) |
55 | Daily / Weekly Monthly Call Centre Reports | Logs of call centre activity on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. | Data produced directly from the system and includes data related to call centre activity, including how long a call took, volume of calls, etc. | Will be made open/public |
56 | Complaints Tracker Monthly | Statistical reporting on number of complaints about lines of business that the AGCO supports, received on a monthly basis. | Tracks the number of complaints, nature of complaints, complainant information, and nature of complaints follow-up and handling, etc. | Will be made open/public |
57 | Miscellaneous Customer Tracking Log | Tracks influx of calls (by nature of contact) for a particular business initiative. | Tracks influx of calls (by nature of contact) for a particular business initiative such as events/media in Ontario (i.e World Cup, media announcement). | Will be made open/public |
58 | Customer service voice tree data | Tracks customer voice tree activity on a weekly basis. | Dataset includes the number of hits/traffic to each mailbox/voice script. and how users are able to navigate the telephone customer voice tree. | Will be made open/public |
59 | Liquor Sales Licences | All establishments with active liquor sales licences permitted to sell and serve alcohol | Includes owner name, business name, address of establishment, licence number, licence type, indoor and outdoor capacity, and type of endorsements. | Will be made open/public |
60 | Licensed Distillers | Current licensed distillers | Data includes, licence number, owner name, business name, address, city, postal code, province, licence start date, licence end date. | Will be made open/public |
61 | Ontario Licensed Manufacturers | Current licensed manufactures (Breweries, Wineries, and Distilleries) | Data includes business name, address, license date, expiry date, etc. | Will be made open/public |
62 | Ontario Licensed Manufacturer's Representatives | List of Licensed Manufacturers Representatives in Ontario | Data includes license number, owner name, business name or individual name, address, license date, expiry date, etc. | Will be made open/public |
63 | Licensed Breweries | Current licensed breweries in Ontario | Data includes, licence number, owner name, business name, address, city, postal code, province, licence start date, licence end date. | Will be made open/public |
64 | Licensed Wineries | Current licensed wineries in Ontario | Data includes, licence number, owner name, business name, address, city, postal code, province, licence start date, licence end date. | Will be made open/public |
65 | Ferment on Premise Licenses | List of Ferment on Premise Licensees | List of all llicensed Ferment on Premise licensees licence number, owner name, address, licence date. | Will be made open/public |
66 | Applications requiring advertising or requesting that a condition be removed | List of applications requiring advertising or requesting that a condition be removed, received in the previous month. | List of applications requiring advertising or requesting that a condition be removed, received in the preceding month, and includes the type of condition requested to be removed. | Restricted |
67 | Liquor Delivery Licences in Ontario | All active liquor delivery sales licences in Ontario. | List of all active liquor delivery licensees in Ontario, including owner name, business name, address, licence start date, and licence end date. | Will be made open/public |
68 | Horse Racing Complaints tracker | Tracks complaints with respect to horse racing. | This data includes complaints with respect to horse-racing, including the nature of the complaint. | Restricted |
69 | Supplier notification system | Holds supplier notifications as pertaining to issues with equipment, recalls, etc. from multiple jurisdictions. | Dataset related to defects in software / hardware identified by supplier of equipment and/or identified by the AGCO upon review. | Restricted |
70 | Electronic Gaming Branch Statistic- fiscal | Report on billing work performed by Technical and Laboratory Services | This spreadsheet details billings performed by T&LS against targets. | Restricted |
71 | Game issues log | Tracker for all issues found by the AGCO in game and system assessments. | Defects in software / hardware of games not approved or approved with terms and conditions by the AGCO. | Restricted |
72 | Lab review form tracker | Tracker for lab reviews of testing performed. | Quality assurance tracker of testing performed including type of tests, quality concerns with testing or reporting identified, etc. used as a performance measure for staff. | Restricted |
73 | Testing quality assurance review form | Tracker for quality assurance reviews of testing performed. | Supplemental and independent quality assurance of testing performed including type of tests, quality concerns with testing or reporting identified, etc. used as a performance measure for staff. | Restricted |
74 | Gaming Equipment Issue tracker | Database to store potential gaming equipment issues. | This is summary and tracking information for issues identified in the field after the gaming equiment is in service. This database is similar to supplier notification system, but holds different information. | Restricted |
75 | Seal tracker | Tracking seal numbers logged out of safe. | List of seal numbers used to ensure no one tampers with the gaming equipment once it's installed. | Restricted |
76 | New supplier registration applications tracking sheet | A list of all new supplier applications. | This set includes both suppliers that continue through the registration process, as well as those who erroneously applied for things they didn't need to. | Restricted |
77 | Complaints database | Gaming site customer complaints database (MS Access) submitted to the Alcohol and Gaming Commision of Ontario Electronic Gaming and Compliance. | This set includes customer complaints submitted to Electronic Gaming Compliance Inspectors, Gaming Compliance Inspectors, and their management teams in cGaming and casino environments. | Restricted |
78 | Compliance Scorecards and Snapshots | Statistical information on casino performance. | Includes attendance, revenue, year to date visits by Gaming Compliance staff, as well as a number of statistical pieces derived from the Checkpoint and Slot History System databases, including analysis on risk. | Restricted |
79 | Test equipment inventory and preventative maintenance log | Inventory of supplier equipment located at the lab and log of preventative maintenance on this equipment. | List of types of all technical equipment in the AGCO laboratory, including controllers, servers, and maintenance information. | Restricted |
80 | Equipment qualification records | Log of equipment qualification. | Record of all equipment received by the AGCO. This log ensures equipment is capable of performing at the desired level. Updated once a piece of equipment arrives at the lab and is qualified. | Restricted |
81 | Safety, housekeeping and sensitive information log | Log of checks to ensure safety and customer sensitive information is protected/secured. | Logs include date and time of inspections, deficiency information, etc. | Restricted |
82 | Lab quality management system corrective action, preventive action, non-conformance report log | Corrective action, preventive action, non-conformance report log. | This log tracks corrective actions, preventive actions, and non-conformances to the lab's quality management system. | Restricted |
83 | Annual Gaming Compliance Audit/Inspection Tracking | Annual assessment of which areas in a casino to focus attention on. This dataset shows perceived risks by area. | This assessment includes risk assesssments and likelihood of non-compliance, as well as areas of inspection and frequency of inspection. | Restricted |
84 | Annual Gaming Compliance Liquor/Drop Inspection Tracking | Tracks the inspections performed and to be performed in liquor and drop (collection of monies from the gaming floor) for gaming sites. | Tracks the inspections performed and to be performed in liquor and drop (collection of monies from the gaming floor) for gaming sites. | Restricted |
85 | Approved Table Games by Site | The types of tables games (ex. craps, Omaha) approved for use at gaming sites. | List of the types of tables games (ex. craps, Omaha) approved for use at gaming sites. | Will be made open/public |
86 | Gaming Risk Assessments | Assessments of the perceived risk at gaming sites by Registrar's Standard, including the impact of such risks materializing as well as their perceived likelihood. | Assessments of the perceived risk at gaming sites by Registrar's Standard, including the impact of such risks materializing as well as their perceived likelihood. | Restricted |
87 | Periodic site reports | Self-reported by gaming sites of own performance as it relates to compliance with the Registrar's Standards for Gaming. | This dataset is sent to the Alcohol and Gaming Commsision by gaming sites and includes information on breaches, failures to comply with controls, as well as general performance data. | Restricted |
88 | iGaming Notifications database | Tracks notifications coming in from iGaming registrants. | This dataset contains notification details as described in the iGaming Notifications Matrix (issues, breaches, senior management changes, etc.). These notifications may in some cases contain personally identifiable information. | Restricted |
89 | Table hold analysis | Tracks payback (return to player) of tables games in Ontario reported by each site. | This dataset contains individual table game identifiers as well as the amount of money bet on the games and the amount of money paid out reported by each site. | Restricted |
90 | Lottery notifications database | Tracks notifications from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation as relating to the lottery line of business. | This dataset includes the nature of incident, game integrity and notifications breaches, incident details, corrective actions, preventive measures, residual risk, etc. | Restricted |
91 | iGaming monthly data report | Data report for iGaming received from the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. | This data set includes approximately 150 data elements including player account information, registration numbers, and fraudulent activity, etc. | Restricted |
92 | Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation Call centre reports | Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) Salesforce report for FAQ breakdown, average resolving time, speed to answer, calls abandoned, etc. | This dataset is a Salesforce report that includes FAQ breakdown, average resolving time, speed to answer, calls abandoned, etc. It is reported to the AGCO by the OLG and relates to iGaming operations | Under review |
93 | Duplicate account report | Gaming Management System report for the purpose of detecting players with more than one Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation player account. | This dataset includes account numbers and names. This dataset is reported to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Commission and relates to iGaming operations and contains personally identifiable information | Restricted |
94 | OnePay alerts | OnePay report for the purpose of reviewing deposits and/or withdrawals that trigger alerts on pre-set rules. | This dataset includes monetary amounts, limits set, and account information that can be used to identify players. This dataset is reported to the AGCO by the OLG and relates to iGaming operations and contains personally identifiable information | Restricted |
95 | Withdrawal report | All player's request to withdraw from an Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation iGaming player's account. | This data set contains lists of requests from players to withdraw from an account. This dataset is reported to the AGCO by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and relates to iGaming operations and contains personally identifiable information | Restricted |
96 | Deposit transaction report | Gaming management system reports that contains all deposit transactions | This dataset includes data on all deposit transactions, including account identifiers, timestamps, and amounts. It is reported to the Alcohol and Gaming Commision of Ontario by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation. It relates to iGaming operations and contains personally identifiable information | Restricted |
97 | Equifax report | 3rd party report on player registration. | This dataset is reported to the AGCO by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and relates to iGaming operations. | Under review |
98 | Locaid report | 3rd party report on player location. | This dataset includes geolocation information, i.e. where players logged in from. This dataset is reported to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario by the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation and relates to iGaming operations | Under review |
99 | Audit Summary Tracker | Contains statistics on audits conducted in all sectors including audit period, findings and recommendations. | This dataset includes statistics on audits conducted in all sectors including audit period, findings and recommendations. | Restricted |
100 | Commission Racing Information System (CRIS) | Licensing information for thoroughbred and quarter horses. | This database includes a horse's attributes (colour, age), past performance, as well as licensing information (including personally identifiable information) for trainers and jockeys. | Restricted |
101 | Horse Racing Appeal Panel List of Decisions and Orders | List of decisions and orders issued by the Horse Racing Appeal Panel | Lists of the case name, case description, hearing date, decision order/type and link to the published decision (where available). | Open/Public (link above) |
102 | Approved Break Open Ticket Manufacturers | List of registered Break Open Ticket Manufacturers approved by the Registrar to manufacture and distribute break open tickets in Ontario. | This dataset lists all the registered Break Open Ticket manufacturers, which includes the manufacturer’s name, address and contact information. | Open/Public |
103 | List of Electronic Raffle Suppliers and Electronic Raffle Solutions with Features | List of Electronic Raffle Suppliers registered with the Registrar and Electronic Raffle Solutions with Features that are approved by the Registrar. | This dataset lists all the registered Electronic Raffle Suppliers and approved Electronic Raffle Solutions with Features (in no particular order). | Open/Public |
104 | List of First Expression of Interest Lottery Results (January 11, 2019) | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine the initial 25 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists. | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine the initial 25 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists, iAGCO file number and Legal Name by region. | Open/Public |
105 | List of Second Expression of Interest of Lottery Results (August 20, 2019) | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine an additional 42 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists. | Results of the cannabis expression of interest lottery to determine an additional 42 applicants that would be permitted to submit retail operator licence applications, together with the associated waiting lists. Legal name, iAGCO file number, region, Proposed Physical Address of premises and notes. | Open/Public |
106 | Disqualified Candidates from First Expression of Interest (EOI) Lottery (January 11, 2019) | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of January 11, 2019. | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of January 11, 2019 with iAGCO file number only. | Open/Public |
107 | Disqualified Candidates from Second Expression of Interest(EOI) Lottery (August 20, 2019) | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of August 20, 2019. | List of EOI Applications that were disqualified from the lottery of August 20, 2019 with iAGCO file number only. | Open/Public |
108 | Municipalities prohibiting or allowing cannabis retail stores | List of municipalities in Ontario prohibiting or allowing cannabis retail stores. | This dataset lists the opted out or opted in status of all lower-tier Ontario municipalities for having cannabis retail stores in their communities. The date of the municipal resolution is included for municipalities who opted out. | Open/Public |
109 | Convenience and Grocery Store Liquor Retail Licences | List of all Grocery and Convenience Liquor Retail Stores in Ontario | Lists all Convenience and Grocery stores in Ontario that have been issued liquor retail licences. Data includes licence number, licence type, store name, address, associated legal entity name, licence status, and licence issued/effective/expiry dates. | Open/Public |