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Object to a liquor sales licence application
When a business applies for a new liquor sales licence (or in some cases wants to add a licenced area to an existing liquor sales licence), notice of this change is posted publicly in the following places:
- Our @Ont_AGCO feed on the X social media platform
- Our online service portal, iAGCO
- The physical location
If you have concerns about a proposed liquor sales licence application in your area, you may object to the application if you live in that municipality.
You need to live in the municipality where the proposed establishment is located.
For concerns regarding parking or garbage problems due to a new bar or restaurant, kindly contact your local municipal office.
What you need
Your objection must include the following:
- The name and address of the proposed liquor licensed establishment
- Your name, address and phone number
- The basis for your objection
- Whether you would be willing to attend a meeting or hearing about the application
In stating your objection, be as specific as possible. Explain why the addition or expansion of the proposed liquor licensed establishment would be of concern to your neighbourhood. Relate your objection to the impact of the sale and service of liquor (not the impact to parking or garbage, for example), as well as any previous issues at the location.
For more information see the Guide for Residents Objecting to a Liquor Sales Licence Application.
How to object
You can object to an application through our online iAGCO portal .
- Search for applications undergoing public notice.
- Choose the proposed business.
- Complete the File Objection/Submission form.
Please note that you cannot submit an anonymous objection to a proposed licence application. Our process allows applicants to contact you to better understand your concerns and work together to find a solution.
Read more about the public notice process for proposed liquor sales licence applications.
Submit an objection