See also Chapter 30: Apprentice Jockeys

9.01  Every horse shall be ridden out in a race unless it has been injured or is obviously suffering from some physical impairment, and any instructions or advice to jockeys to ride or handle their mounts otherwise than for the purpose of winning are forbidden and will subject all persons giving or following such instructions or advice to disciplinary action by the Stewards. Every rider must persevere throughout the race in order to finish as nearly as possible to first position and must demonstrate the best and fastest race of which their mount is capable.

9.02  Every jockey who is engaged to ride in a race shall report to the scale room on the day of the race at the time required by the officials. He/she shall then report their engagements and overweight, if any, to the Clerk of the Scales.

9.03  Every jockey shall not thereafter leave the jockey room (except to view the races from a point approved by the Stewards, or to ride in a race), until all their engagements of the day have been fulfilled.

9.04.01  The Clerk of Scales/Custodian shall see to it that no person other than the members of the Commission, authorized Racing Officials, or the Stewards and the necessary jockey’s room attendants, is admitted to the jockeys’ room on a day of racing without the express permission of the Stewards for each time of entry.

9.04.02  The jockeys’ room custodian shall oversee the care and storage of all racing colours until the end of a meeting.

9.04.03  It shall be the duty of the jockeys’ room custodian to see to it that order, decorum and cleanliness are maintained in the jockey and scale rooms.

9.04.04  The jockeys’ room custodian shall report to the Stewards any irregularities or violation of the Rules that occur within their knowledge.

9.05.01  All riders shall be dressed in clean jockey costume, cap and jacket of silk, satin or waterproof material and stock tie, white or light breeches and top boots. In all races, Jockeys shall wear safety helmets and safety vests as prescribed in Rule 14.02.02. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that his/her helmet and safety vest meets the safety standards.

9.05.02  The custodian shall see to it that jockeys are neat in appearance and are attired according to the Rules when they leave the jockey room to ride in a race.

9.06  The minimum riding fees paid to jockeys shall be as agreed by the Jockeys’ Benefit Association and the HBPA. A copy of this Agreement must be filed with the Commission.

9.07.01  A jockey’s fee shall be considered earned when the Paddock Judge calls “riders up” for the particular race unless the rider fails to fulfil his riding engagements due to their having voluntary refused to provide their services. The jockey’s fee shall not include any jockey’s duplicate purse percentage if the initial rider must be replaced between the call for “riders up” and the official start.

9.07.02  In a dead heat where fees are computed on a percentage basis they shall be computed on the adjusted purse.
If fees are on a set scale for the positions involved they shall be equally divided between the jockeys involved.

9.08  The Association may require owners to deposit in advance a sum sufficient to cover jockeys’ fees incurred.

9.09.01  The jockeys’ room custodian shall oversee the jockey valets and arrange their rotation among jockeys in the matter of weighing out.

9.09.02  Only jockeys’ valets shall be permitted to assist jockeys in weighing out.

9.09.03  No jockey shall have a valet other than one provided by the Racing Association. Such valets shall be paid by the jockeys and the Racing Association.

9.10.01  No jockey shall make a bet on any race nor accept a promise or token of any bet, with respect to the race in which he/she is riding, except through or from the owner or trainer of the horse he/she rides, and then only on that horse. (See also Rule 15.18.)

9.10.02  No person shall make a bet for the account of any jockey except the owner or trainer of the horse the jockey is riding, and then only on that horse.

9.10.03  No person shall offer or give a jockey any money or other benefit in relation to a race, unless that person is the owner or trainer of the horse ridden in that race by that jockey.

9.10.04  No outrider or jockey’s valet shall make a bet on any race nor shall he/she place a bet for anyone else on a day in which they are performing their duties.

9.11.01  After a race has been run and after a jockey has pulled up the horse he/she has ridden, he/she shall ride to a place designated by the Stewards. The valet shall unsaddle the horse and present the jockey’s tack to the clerk or assistant Clerk of the Scales to be weighed in.

9.11.02  If a jockey is prevented from riding their mount to the Stewards’ stand because of an accident to, or illness of, either him/herself or their horse, he/she may walk or be carried to the scales, or he/she may be excused by the Stewards from weighing in.

9.12  All jockeys shall faithfully fulfill all riding engagements in respect to racing. In the event a rider books off their engagements during the course of the program due to illness or injury, the rider may be required to provide a medical certificate acceptable to the Stewards confirming that he or she is clear to ride prior to resuming their duties.

9.13.01  Should any jockey leave Ontario or fail to honour their riding engagements, their jockey agent shall promptly notify the Stewards accordingly.

9.14.01  The suspension of a jockey for a violation shall begin on the day specified by the Stewards or the Registrar in the Ruling.

9.14.02  Where the penalty is for a riding infraction and does not exceed in time a period of five calendar or racing days, the jockey shall complete his or her riding engagements of all horses declared in before the penalty becomes effective. Thereafter a jockey may only ride in stakes races during a suspension of five calendar or racing days or less but the suspension will be extended by one day for each date on which he or she rides in such races.

9.14.03  A jockey temporarily suspended may be permitted to exercise or gallop horses during the morning hours and to have access to the stabling area unless otherwise stated in the suspension ruling.


  1. A jockey or an apprentice jockey shall not be an owner or trainer of any thoroughbred race horse;
  2. If a jockey or an apprentice jockey is entered into a race against a horse owned or trained by his spouse, mother, father, brother or sister, he or she shall provide reasonable notice of this to the Stewards.

9.15.02  Deleted.

9.16  The substitution of a jockey to ride any horse in a race may be made only with the approval of the Stewards.

9.17  No person except the jockey concerned shall assume or pay, directly or indirectly, a penalty imposed upon a jockey.

9.18  Each Association’s designated medical attendant may examine any jockey as they report for duty each day and in the event that he/she is of the opinion that any jockey is unfit to ride, he/she shall so inform the Stewards, who shall excuse such jockey from all riding engagements made by him/her for that day and they may, in addition, take such disciplinary action as they may deem fit against such jockey.

9.19  The Registrar or the Stewards may, at any time, order a thorough physical examination of any jockey by a physician appointed by the Registrar and the cost of the said examination shall be borne by the Commission. The Registrar’s decision with respect to an appointment of a physician is not subject to appeal.

9.20  Where a jockey’s name appears on a program, at least one of their first or middle names (or a diminutive of it, for instance, “Ted” for “Theodore”) shall appear before their last name.

9.21  Every owner or trainer shall, upon making an entry, include the name of the jockey who is to ride their horse and from whom he/ she has a firm commitment for a first or second call. If no rider (jockey or apprentice) has been named by the time of the entries, the Stewards shall name a rider (jockey or apprentice) to ride the horse and take whatever action they deem necessary under Rule 16.13. If for any reason a rider is unable to fulfil their riding engagement, the Stewards or their appointed representative shall attempt to contact the trainer and/or owner of the horse in question and if they are unsuccessful they shall name a rider, who is willing to ride the horse in question.

9.22  Deleted.

9.23  Any change of a jockey shall be approved by the Stewards and promptly and publicly posted and announced.

9.24  Should any jockey show insufficient skill and/or ability so as to give the Stewards concern for the safety of other horses or riders or such evidence of insufficient skills or ability that will adversely affect the best interests of the public, the Stewards may take whatever action they feel is necessary to correct the situation This shall include, but not be limited to, placing conditions on the jockey’s licence or suspending the rider’s licence.

9.25  Any jockey or apprentice jockey who, in the opinion of the Stewards, rides in an unsafe manner without due cause, may be subject to a penalty at the discretion of the Stewards.

9.26  Jockeys are excused from weighing in after a race provided their mount has not received any portion of the purse, unless directed otherwise by the Stewards.

9.27.01  In any race where a jockey will be riding without a riding crop, the Association is responsible for making an announcement over the public address system and in the program.

9.27.02  Riding crops shall meet the following specifications and/or requirements:

  1. Be a humane or cushion riding crop, unaltered from original manufacture;
  2. Be no more than 30 inches in length;
  3. Have affixed to the end a padded “popper” which is no shorter than 6.5 inches in length and not less than 7/8 of an inch in width. The popper shall consist of two layers sewn down each side with no sewing at the top 1/2 inch of the popper;
  4. Have a popper with an outer covering consisting of a material approved by the stewards that does not harden over time. Material such as Vinyl, Naugahyde, or Leather will not be allowed;
  5. Have a popper with an inner layer consisting of memory foam or closed cell foam .15 -.25 of an inch in thickness, folded over and sewn down each side, with the outer covering to form a hollow channel;
  6. Be subject to inspection and approval by the Stewards.

Use of a riding crop in a race where the type of riding crop has not been approved by the Stewards or does not meet the requirements of the rule will lead to disqualification of the horse

9.27.03  The possession or use on a horse of any goading device, or chain, or spur, or mechanical or electrical device other than a riding crop used in the manner prescribed by the Rules upon a horse shall constitute a violation.

9.27.04  The Stewards shall have the authority to disallow the use of any equipment that they feel is unsafe or not in the best interests of racing.

9.27.05  At any time while on the grounds of an Association, it is a violation for a jockey, or rider, or the person in control of the horse, to engage in any of the following actions with respect to their riding conduct:

  1. Indiscriminate action, which is characterized by unrestrained or careless activity;
  2. Excessive action, which is characterized by unreasonable quantity or degree;
  3. Aggressive action, which is characterized by inhumane, severe or brutal activity.

9.27.06  The riding crop shall not be used on a horse in a race where the horse:

  1. Is not visibly responding; or
  2. Is not in contention for a meaningful position.

9.27.07  At any time while on the grounds of an Association, it is a violation for a jockey, or rider, or the person in control of the horse, to use the riding crop to hit or make contact with the horse as follows:

  1. To raise their hand(s) above their shoulder;
  2. To hit another horse;
  3. To cut or severely welt a horse;
  4. To hit the horse overhanded; or
  5. To hit the horse with the crop in the cocked position.

9.27.08  Violation of any of the provisions in Rule to 9.27.07 may result in any of the following penalties:

  1. Monetary penalty;
  2. Suspension;
  3. Placement;
  4. Disqualification; and/or
  5. Any other penalty as ordered.

Further particulars in respect to the penalties are provided in Thoroughbred Directive 1 - 2020 Revision to Urging Provisions, which also provides principles which serve as a guide for interpretation. The Directive may be modified from time to time by the Registrar.

9.28  Jockeys shall not wear spurs.