Thoroughbred — Chapter 7: Declarations and Scratches

7.01  No horse shall be considered scratched or declared out of an engagement until the owner or their trainer has given notice to the racing secretary before the time stipulated by the regulations of the Association.

7.02.01  A scratch from a stakes race shall be made no less than 45 minutes before post time of the race.

7.02.02  Any horse entered in two stake races on the same race program must be declared from one of the stake races no later than one hour prior to the opening of pari-mutuel wagering.

7.03  An entry of a horse in a sweepstakes is a subscription to the sweepstakes. A nomination of a horse to a sweepstakes may be altered or withdrawn at any time prior to the closing time for such nominations.

7.04  The Stewards shall have the authority to order a horse scratched if they shall determine that any occurrence before the running of such race calls for such action by them.

7.05  Deleted.

7.06  Deleted.

7.07  Where a horse, entered to race, is scratched by the Stewards, as a result of the horse having received any:

  1. Medication,
  2. Medical treatment, or
  3. Medical procedure,

the Stewards may impose a monetary penalty upon the trainer of the horse unless the trainer satisfies the Stewards that the medication, medical procedure or treatment was in the best interests of the health of the horse.