16.01.01  At a meeting, except in the case of an emergency, there shall be a minimum of two Stewards employed and appointed by the Registrar, one of whom shall be designated by the Registrar as a Senior Steward under whose supervision the Stewards shall, collectively, carry out all the duties and responsibilities specified in the Rules. All decisions of the Stewards shall be determined by majority vote. In the cases where there are only two Stewards officiating, the Senior Steward or the Steward designated as the Senior Steward by the Registrar, shall have in addition to the regular vote, a casting vote. The Registrar’s appointments and designations pursuant to this rule are not subject to appeal.

16.01.02  Deleted.

16.01.03  Stewards shall not be employed by an Association in any other capacity during the time he/ she acts as a Steward. Exceptions to this rule may be authorized by the Registrar. The Registrar’s authorization or non-authorization is not subject to appeal.

16.02.01  Subject to the powers and duties of the Registrar, the Stewards have the power to govern, and it is their duty to regulate and govern the conduct of all racing, Racing Officials and owners, trainers, jockeys, grooms and all persons attendant upon horses.

16.02.02  Subject to the powers and duties of the Registrar, the Stewards have power to interpret the Rules and to decide all questions not specifically covered by them.

16.02.03  In the performance of their duties, the Stewards shall have reasonable control over and unrestricted access to all buildings, stables, rooms and all other places within the grounds of any Association.

16.02.04  In all matters pertaining to racing, the orders of the Stewards shall supersede the orders of the officers, directors and officials of the Association.

16.02.05  All entries, declarations and scratches shall be under the control and supervision of the Stewards.

16.02.06  The Stewards shall assume their duties 48 hours prior to 12:01 a.m. of the first day of each meeting and shall retain them until one minute before midnight on the day following the last day of each meeting and no Racing Official who has been approved by the Registrar shall absent him/herself from their duties without permission of the Stewards. Any matters related to the running of a race meeting may be handled subsequent to the close of that meeting at the discretion of the Stewards.

16.02.07  One of the Stewards shall be in attendance throughout the drawing of entries and post positions. However, if due to official racing commitments, no Stewards are available, they shall leave a telephone number where they will be available to aid should any difficulties arise during said draw.

16.03  No person while acting at a track as the Director, Steward, Racing Secretary, Handicapper, Starter, Placing Judge, Patrol Judge, Clerk of the Scales, Horse Identifier, Paddock Judge, Timer, Jockeys’ Room Custodian, Valet, Commission Veterinarian, Official Veterinarian, Commission Clerk, or as an assistant to any of those heretofore named shall have any interest directly or indirectly in any horse participating in racing on the circuit in which the meeting is included.

16.03.01  In addition to the provisions of Rule 16.03, no person while acting at a track as the Director, Racing Secretary, Handicapper, Starter, Placing Judge, Patrol Judge, Clerk of the Scales, Horse Identifier, Paddock Judge, Timer, Jockeys’ Room Custodian, Valet, Commission Veterinarian, Official Veterinarian, Commission Clerk, or as an assistant to any of those heretofore named shall have any direct or indirect monetary interest in any business which seeks the patronage of thoroughbred horsepeople as such.

16.04  It shall also be the duty of the Stewards, when they deem it advisable, to take such action in advance as they may regard as necessary to prevent an infraction of the Rules.

16.05  The Stewards shall take any action they deem necessary, including the warning of or ordering the ejection from the grounds of all persons who, by reason of past or present conduct would be regarded as objectionable should they find such person has in any manner or at any time:

  1. Disturbed the peace;
  2. Made themselves obnoxious on the grounds of any Association;
  3. Shown disrespect by word or action to any official of racing;
  4. Falsified, misrepresented or omitted required information on a licence application. The Racing Association shall enforce such an order.

16.06  It is the responsibility of the Stewards to get the horses to the post at post time.

16.07  The Stewards may demand proof that a horse is not disqualified in any particular race or that it is not entered, owned or trained, in whole or in part, by a disqualified person, and in default of satisfactory proof, the Stewards may disqualify the horse.

16.08  Any Steward presiding at a race meeting, or the Registrar, may require of any owner, previous owner or trainer that they make a statutory declaration attesting to the bona fide ownership of a horse that is purported to be owned, previously owned or trained by him or her. The Steward or the Registrar may also require that any business agreements or transactions, financial or otherwise, made in regard to the said horse be included in the statement.

16.09  The Stewards may examine or order a Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian to examine and report upon any horse on the grounds of any Association, whether or not a meeting is being held on such grounds.

16.10  Any owner or trainer who wishes to add or remove blinkers shall submit the equipment change slip with the entry. Any blinkers change may be disallowed by the Stewards.

16.11  The Stewards or Administration may place the name of any horse on the Stewards’ List for any reason they may deem to be proper. During the time a horse’s name is on such list, it shall not race, nor shall it be entered in any race, except that it may be nominated in a stakes race. Only the Stewards or Administration shall remove a horse’s name from the Stewards’ List.

16.11.01  Deleted.

16.12  The Stewards shall have the authority to:

  1. Declare a race no contest;
  2. Prior to the posting of the “Official” sign, cancel all pari-mutuel wagering on a horse(s) that has an unfair start.

16.12.01  Notwithstanding that a horse is declared a non-contestant for pari-mutuel wagering purposes, the Stewards may permit the horse to participate in the purse distribution.

16.13  The Stewards may impose any or all of the following penalties for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of racing, or for a violation of the Rules:

  1. Refuse a person admission to the grounds of an Association;
  2. Expel a person from the grounds of an Association;
  3. Suspend any Commission licensee;
  4. Impose whatever monetary penalty they feel is suitable and justifiable;
  5. Prohibit any Commission licensee from driving a motor vehicle in the stable area;
  6. Deleted.
  7. Set limitations for a conditional licence for any licensee or applicant for a new licence.

16.14  Should the Stewards consider the penalties set out in Rule 16.13 inadequate for the violation committed, they shall immediately so report in writing to the Registrar, and the Registrar shall determine the matter.

16.15  No owner or trainer shall move or permit to be moved any horse owned by him/her or in their care from the grounds of an Association if forbidden to do so by the Stewards.

16.16  Any licensee who is the recipient of a notice of review form must select his or her option and complete the form within 10 days of receiving same. Failure to do so will result in the Stewards setting the date of review and this date must be adhered to.

16.17  Deleted.

16.19  Deleted.

16.20  In the absence of the Registrar, for any reason whatever, a Steward at a racetrack operated by an Association shall exercise all authority vested in the Registrar under these rules.

16.21  Stewards must post the inquiry sign when:

  1. A spill has occurred; and/or
  2. A rider has been unseated after the start.