Apply for a lottery retailer (seller) registration

Learn how to register as a lottery retailer to sell lottery products on behalf of OLG.

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Apply online for a lottery seller registration using our online self-service iAGCO portal


There is no fee to register as a lottery seller. 

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To sell OLG lottery products on behalf of the OLG or break open tickets for a licensed charity, you must register with AGCO.


The AGCO assesses the level of risk of each application. We call this risk-based licensing. To learn more, read information bulletin no. 71.


There’s no fee to register as a seller.

Step 1: Prepare your application

You must have an OLG Retailer Agreement for each location you sell lottery products. Remember to include on your application the unique retailer location number that OLG gave you. 

You’ll need to submit these things:

  • copy of your signed OLG agreement for the retail location in your application
  • the Retailer Location Number (RL #) the OLG assigned to your site (found on your OLG Retailer Agreement)
  • personal information form for each person listed on your OLG agreement
  • gaming assistant application for each person you put on the application who doesn’t have a registration
  • your mailing address and the physical address of the retail location
  • your business name and business operating name
  • what lottery products you want to sell (e.g., scratch tickets, Lotto Max, Lotto 6/49, break open tickets for someone with a charitable lottery licence, or hospital foundation 50/50 e-raffle tickets - convenience stores only)
  • a list of people who will oversee the sale of lottery products or break open tickets, including partners in a partnership, general partners in a limited partnership, officers, directors or shareholders of a corporation, or board members of an association who are listed as Principals on the OLG Retailer Application or OLG Agreement (these people must complete personal information forms too)

You need a new application for each retail location.

Step 2: Apply online

If you’re applying for the first time you need to set up an iAGCO account . To get a lottery retailer (seller) registration, create an account on the iAGCO portal. Once you’ve set up your iAGCO account, you can apply.

Apply for a registration now

Step 3: Wait for a decision

The AGCO will review your application once we’ve received it. The AGCO tries to process applications promptly. We may ask you for more information if we need to. 

Know your responsibilities

Once you’re registered as a lottery seller, you’ll want to operate your site in the right way.

You must meet the registrar’s standards for your registration. You also must follow any related laws and regulations.  

Learn more about your responsibilities as a lottery seller in the responsibilities and resources section.