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Need a new license?
Determine which licensing authority you need to apply to.
It can be either the AGCO or your municipality.
See charitable gaming fees for details about fees for the different licences.
How long does it take?
Most of the time it takes 45 days to receive a raffle licence. Less if you've had one before. Learn more.
You need a licence to run a raffle lottery event. If you’ve applied before, you need to submit your application at least 30 days before your event.
If you’re a new applicant, you need to submit your application at least 45 days before your event.
Determine the right licensing authority
Both the AGCO and local municipalities can licence raffles. To get a raffle licence from your local municipality, you need to:
- guarantee that total prizes won’t be more than $50,000
- use paper-based tickets
If you can’t guarantee the prize will be less than $50,000, or if you will be using an electronic solution, you must apply with the AGCO. Learn more about which licensing authority you need to go to.
Before a charity or religious group can get a charitable gaming licence with the AGCO, you must apply for “charitable gaming eligibility” (CGE). This application decides whether you can get a lottery licence. If your organization qualifies, you’ll get a CGE number.
You can apply for a CGE and a lottery licence at the same time. Learn more about getting a CGE for charitable and religious organizations.
To be able to run a raffle, you need to be:
- non-profit
- located in Ontario
- doing charitable activities for at least a year
Your group also needs to provide services in Ontario that:
- relieve poverty
- advance education
- advance religion
- benefit the community
Groups that support activities that benefit only their members don’t qualify for a raffle licence. Examples of these types of groups include:
- adult recreation or sports groups
- individual sport teams
- unions or employee groups
- social clubs
- professional associations
- political, government, lobby or advocacy groups
Event | Fee |
Raffle lotteries |
Step 1: Prepare your application
Before you can apply for a charitable gaming licence, you need to have these things ready:
- a CGE number (see the “Eligibility” section above for how to get a CGE number), unless you are fundraising on behalf of the United Way or Federal Health campaigns (you’ll need a letter of agreement for these)
- the raffle type (paper or electronic)
- a draw schedule, with the time, start and end date(s) and location of each draw in the event
- rules of play, including a description of how each game is played, the price value for each game, and other details
- ticket sample
- an explanation of how you’re going to use the money (net proceeds) you raise, including a list of projects or items which must support your group’s purpose
- copy of your municipal notification
- your group’s verified financial statements for last fiscal year (see Raffle licence terms and conditions reporting requirements)
- list of your board of directors with contact information
- copy of your safety and security plan
First-time applicants must also provide these documents:
- governing documents - letters patent, by-laws, constitution, charter, trust deed, memorandum/articles of association
- Revenue Canada notification of registration letter, if your organization is registered
- detailed outline of your programs and services (what they are, how they are delivered to clients, specific costs, supporting materials, etc.)
- your group’s current operating budget
If you’ve had a gaming licence from the AGCO before, you’ll need to provide:
- outstanding raffle licence financial reports (see Raffle licence terms and conditions reporting requirements)
- outstanding financial reports for other charitable gaming events
- outstanding information requests from your licensing authority
- changes to governing documents and Revenue Canada status (include amendments, supplements, reinstatements, revocations, dissolutions, etc.)
For specific raffle types:
- Blanket raffles: include a municipal letter of approval. (Blanket raffle licences allow you to conduct and manage more than one type of raffle event within a fixed time period and with a capped prize amount.)
- Electronic raffle applications must include:
- venue floor plan showing where tickets are to be sold
- irrevocable standby letter of credit made out to the minister of finance (this is for fixed prize draws over $10,000; electronic 50/50 draws don’t need a letter of credit unless we ask)
- complete the Electronic Raffle Solution Review Form (fillable form) if your charity is developing their own raffle sales platform. It will be subject to review and approval by the AGCO.
When applying or reporting to a municipality or First Nation with an Order-in-Council:
- Raffle application requirements for lottery licences issued by the registrar (pdf)
- Application to manage and conduct a raffle lottery (fillable form)
- Application to manage and conduct a blanket raffle lottery (fillable form)
Learn more about preparing for your event, running, and reporting on your event:
Step 2: Apply online
If you’re applying for the first time you need to set up an iAGCO account:
- Go to the iAGCO online porta l.
- Click on Create a New Account at the top of the page.
- Complete all the details on the screen.
- Confirm your account registration through the confirmation email iAGCO sends you.
- Make sure the mailing address you have given to AGCO is up to date.
When you have an iAGCO account set up:
- Log in to your iAGCO account.
- Click on the link to Start a New Application under New Applications.
- Select Charitable Gaming Lottery Licences on the New Application screen, then press Next.
- Choose Raffle Licence from the drop-down menu, then press Next.
- Go through the rest of the screens. Answer all the questions. Submit the documents the application asks for.
Apply for a licence now
Step 3: Wait for decision
Making changes to your application
The AGCO needs at least two weeks’ notice in writing if you want to make changes to your application. We need to approve the changes.
Expired licences can’t be changed or cancelled.
If you make changes to your application before you submit it to the AGCO, you need to initial each change on each document.
For electronic Catch the Ace raffle: If you’re running a paper-based Catch the Ace raffle and would like to switch over to electronic ticket sales for future draws, you must submit a change request through iAGCO.
Know your responsibilities
Once you’ve been approved for a licence, you need to run your charitable lottery event in the right way. Read the Raffle licence terms and conditions , and check out the charitable gaming resources and responsibilities page for full details.
AGCO inspections
AGCO Inspectors require access to verify your raffle and review your licence requirements, including:
- Ensuring that your electronic raffle licence is available to the public
- Raffle operators are knowledgeable of the Terms and Conditions (Step 2)
- Electronic raffle system (solution) has been approved by the AGCO
- Your AGCO-approved Rules of Play are made available to all ticket purchasers
- Ticket sales open and close according to the lottery licence
- Any advertising and marketing material meets all AGCO requirements
- Draw results are confirmed
- You are not selling to minors under 18 years of age
- Raffle personnel are knowledgeable of how to direct customers to problem gambling services in Ontario at ConnexOntario