March 5, 2021
Underline = new text
Strikethrough = deleted text
… = gaps indicating rules that are not changed
Scroll or select a chapter to see the revisions.
- Chapter 1: Preliminary
- Chapter 2: Definitions
- Chapter 3: Racing Associations
and Association Officials - Chapter 4: Licensing
- Chapter 5:
Colours - Chapter 6: Entries and Subscriptions
- Chapter 8: Weights
- Chapter 9: Jockeys
- Chapter 10: Engagement of Riders, Employees and Jockeys’ Agents
- Chapter 12: Claiming Races
- Chapter 13: Protests
,And ObjectionsAnd Appeals - Chapter 14: Safety and Security
- Chapter 15: Misconduct, Needles, Syringes and Searches
- Chapter 16: Stewards
- Chapter 17: The Starter
- Chapter 23: Timers and Clockers
- Chapter 24: Registrar's Discretionary Powers
- Chapter 27: Commission Veterinarians, Official Veterinarians and Other Veterinarians
- Chapter 29: Trainers, Assistant Trainers and Substitute Trainers
- Chapter 30: Apprentice Jockeys
- Chapter 37: TC02 Testing Program
- Chapter 39: Out of Competition Program
- Chapter 41: Appeals
1.01.3 All rulings of Racing Boards and Commissions will be honoured by the Commission as taking effect in Ontario, and all Associations and their officials and employees shall honour such rulings and rulings of other racing jurisdictions in Canada. Notwithstanding this rule, no person will be denied an appeal to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (the HRAP) if such person applies therefor if the Rules allow for an appeal.
1.03 Every person required by the Commission to be licensed shall abide by the Rules and accept the decisions of the Stewards on all matters to which their authority extends, subject to the right of appeal to the HRAP if the Rules allow for an appeal.
Equipment includes, when applied to a horse, crops, whips, blinkers, tongue straps, cheek pieces, side rolls and plates.
Officials, Racing Officials The following categories shall be considered Officials, or Racing Officials:
16. Medical Doctors on Staff
Ontario Sired means a horse whose sire was an Ontario Sire registered with the applicable breed registry in the horse’s conception year.
Optional Claiming Race means a race wherein horses can be entered for the pre-determined claiming price. If "entered not to be claimed", the horse must meet the allowance condition of this race.
Unauthorized Person is any person, including approved stable area guests or licensee who has not secured permission from a trainer or his representative for permission to enter their allotted stable area. Excluded are Woodbine Entertainment Group, Nordic Gaming and Commission employees, Commission Members and Association employees and Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association appointed representatives.
3.01 An Association shall not:
Operate a racetrack at which racing is conducted without applying for a licence, race dates and the post time for the first race of each program of racing on each race date and having them approved by the Registrar;Change its race dates or the post time for the first race on any race date by more than 30 minutes, without having such change approved by the Registrar;Operate a racetrack without payment of the monthly fee for regulatory funding;Cancel training track facilities unless weather or exceptional conditions apply once the training track opens for training until closing of the racing season.
3.02 The Registrar has power, as he or she may think proper, to make and, if necessary, to vary all arrangements for the conduct of a meeting.
3.02.01 A decision of the Registrar regarding approval or non-approval of race dates is not appealable to the HRAP.
3.03.01 The Commission and its designated representatives in the performance of their duties, shall, subject to the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015, have the right of full and complete entry to all parts of the grounds and buildings of any Association, whether or not racing is being conducted by the Association at the time.
3.03.2 As a condition to its Race Track Operator’s Licence, an Association shall provide:
A Stewards’ stand to be located and constructed so as to afford the Stewards with an unobstructed view of the entire racing strip and having adequate facilities acceptable to the Registrar for carrying out of their duties;Adequate security measures to ensure that unauthorized persons do not gain entrance to the Stewards’ room in the Stewards’ stand unless invited by the Stewards;Offices within the grounds of each race track for the use and at the disposal of the Commission’s designated representatives for the purposes of licensing and for the Stewards to carry out their pre-race and post-race duties. These facilities are to be acceptable to the Registrar and will be subject to inspection at any reasonable time.
3.04.01 The video tapes of any day’s races will be screened at the race track where racing is being conducted at a time and place arranged by the Stewards on the next day when racing occurs at that track.
3.04.02 All Commission licensees, members of the Press and members of the public may attend these screenings.
3.04.03 Only one public screening of any race shall be required to be made for Commission licensees, members of the Media or public. However, if the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association requests a special showing of the video tape of any race, such video tape will be screened for them at or about the time of the public screening of the video tapes of the previous day’s racing.
3.04.04 Deleted.
3.04.05 Associations or their delegate shall keep on file, race patrol film or video of each race for reference or reproduction upon request of the Commission for one year after the last racing day of the previous year.
3.04.06 Video tapes of the Video Patrol shall not be shown, given or sold to anyone without permission of the Registrar. Further clearance must be obtained from the Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency before any video tapes of the Video Patrol are given or sold to anyone.
3.05 Deleted.
3.06 At the close of each meeting, each racing Association shall report to the Registrar the handle, paid attendance, total purses paid, provincial government revenue from wagering and Association revenue from wagering for each meeting.
3.07 Races shall be run by the Associations no longer than 30 minutes apart on week-days and no longer than 35 minutes apart on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays but in the event of emergency or special occasions, such times may be extended by the Stewards.
3.08 Racing shall be conducted only between the hours of 12 o’clock noon and 12 o’clock midnight Eastern Standard Time, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Registrar.
3.09 When a racing Association is conducting racing, it shall reserve sufficient accommodation in its receiving barn for horses that are stabled elsewhere and the trainers of horses racing each day shall have their horses in the receiving barn two hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races.
3.10 When any horse which is not stabled on the Association grounds where racing is being conducted arrives on a track to race, the trainer or their attendant shall so inform the receiving barn attendant at least 2 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races, and the receiving barn attendant shall inform the appropriate officials, including Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian.
3.11 Before entering upon their duties, all Racing Officials of an Association shall be approved in writing by the Registrar.
3.12 All Racing Officials and employees of the Commission, or Associations, shall promptly report to Stewards all observed violations of the Rules.
3.13 No one shall enter the stabling area of an Association race track where horses are stabled unless he or she is a member, official, employee or licensee of the Commission, an employee of an Association or a person whom the Registrar or the Association has issued with documentary credentials attesting to his or her right to enter such stabling area. However, owners, trainers, authorized Racing Officials, Commission staff, jockeys, veterinarians and any licensee approved by the Stewards with proper documentary credentials may sign in guests, unless such guests are unacceptable to the Registrar or the Association.
3.14 No Association shall allow a person under 18 years of age to purchase or cash a ticket. For the purposes of this rule, a “ticket” is defined as a receipt or voucher that is issued by an Association for one or more bets on a race or races. The Association shall ensure that signs are clearly posted in all areas where tickets are purchased or cashed or on any Association wagering application forms, advising the public of the age restriction.
3.15 If track or weather conditions are questionable for racing of horses, including actual temperature as defined in 3.15.01, a meeting shall be convened among the Stewards, management, a representative of the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association (HBPA) and jockeys. If required, the Stewards shall conduct a secret ballot vote of the jockeys programmed to ride that day who are present, to determine if racing should be canceled. If the vote of the jockeys determines that more than 50% vote against racing, the card will be canceled. Notwithstanding the vote, the jockeys who cancel their mount will not be subject to any penalties. The foregoing does not prevent race track management from canceling the races due to track or weather conditions without consultation with the Stewards, HBPA or the jockeys.
In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the Extreme Temperature Standards at Rule 3.15.01 shall be applied.
Extreme Temperature Standard
3.15.01 In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the decision to cancel racing shall be made by an Association applying the Extreme Temperature Standard and Policy Directive 1-2009 Cancellation Fees.
Actual temperature: temperature at racetrack at post-time, or at any point during the race program as agreed upon by an Association representative and a Racing Official.
Extreme temperature: any temperature which falls within Tier 1 or Tier 2 of the Extreme Temperature Standard.
Forecasted extreme temperature: the temperature based on a publicly accessible local forecast at 5 hours to post-time. At the beginning of each race season the Association shall advise the industry which weather source will be used for temperature forecasts, failing which the weather source shall be the Weather Network.
3.16.01 Associations shall hold all monies from any source for purposes of purses in trust in one or more accounts designated as purse accounts for disbursement as set out in 3.16.04.
3.16.02 Associations shall deposit all monies received for purposes of purses into the purse account(s) which include:
Deleted.From nomination, sustaining, starting or similar fees for added money events within 5 days of receipt;From pari-mutuel wagers (including the share of commissions on live, inter-track, export, simulcast and any other forms of betting authorized by permit by Canadian Pari-Mutuel Agency) within 10 business days of receipt or settlement;From any other source, including reimbursement of a purse that is required to be repaid, within 10 business days of receipt or settlement.
3.16.03 An Association may, where authorized in writing by the Registrar, deposit the monies received from the fees for added money events or from pari-mutuel wagers into another account designated for that purpose and hold the monies in that account subject to any terms imposed by the Registrar.
3.16.04 Any interest earned on the monies received from any source for purposes of purses less reasonable banking charges incurred and paid for with respect to the purse account(s) shall be deemed to be monies received for purposes of purses.
3.16.05 An Association shall disburse the monies from the purse account(s) only as follows:
To pay purses in accordance with the Rules; orDeleted.To reimburse owners for races that are cancelled or races that are declared ‘no contest’ by the Registrar or his or her delegate; orFor other purposes which are approved by the Registrar that are for the benefit of racing or will provide benefits to all or a sizeable proportion of horsepeople.
The Association, in a manner satisfactory to the Registrar, shall at the time of disbursement disclose or cause to be disclosed to owners, trainers and others who receive purse money, the purposes under (d) above and the amount of any monies disbursed for such purposes
3.16.06 The costs for the management and administration of the purse account(s) or such other account as the Registrar may permit in writing shall not be paid from monies that have been received for purposes of purses.
3.16.07 An Association shall manage and administer the purse account(s) or such other account as the Registrar may authorize in writing. The Association shall maintain the books and records related to the purse account(s) or such other account as the Registrar may authorize in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles or such other standards as may be approved by the Registrar for use by the Association.
3.16.08 An Association may retain the services of, or delegate responsibilities, that are permitted to be delegated under this Rule to a licensed Purse Account Manager provided that:
There is an agreement between the Association and the Purse Account Manager which shall be provided to the Registrar upon request;Any payments for the performance of services under this agreement are paid directly by the Association from monies other than purse monies;The Purse Account Manager’s functions and activities are limited to clerical services related to the distribution of the purse monies;The Purse Account Manager shall be the agent of the Association in performing any services; and(The Association remains responsible for the payment of all purses.
3.16.09 The Association shall ensure that any person who is entitled to a purse or other payment from the monies that are intended for purposes of purses shall receive the purse or other payment. Where the person who is entitled to such purse or other payment cannot be located within one year of the end of the meeting, the Association may, with the permission of the Registrar, consider the monies as monies received for purposes of purses in the subsequent meeting.
3.16.10 The Association shall provide statements to any association of horsepeople or person with whom it has agreement for purposes of live racing or for purposes of the regulations under the Criminal Code (Canada) with respect to the issuance of a pari-mutuel betting permit setting out the monies received for purposes of purses, the source of those monies and the disbursements made of those monies and for what purposes. The statements shall be provided by the end of the month following.
3.16.11 Any responsibility regarding an approved disbursement of monies from the purse account(s) made by the Association ceases once the monies have been disbursed in accordance with Rule 3.16.04.
3.16.12 Within 60 days of the end of its fiscal year, the Association shall make available to the Registrar for examination, the annual statements of the purse account(s), and such other account that has been authorized by the Registrar. When completed, a copy of the report will be made available to the association of horsepeople. The cost of the examination and related expenses will be the responsibility of the Association.
3.16.13 Any Association, Purse Account Manager or person who contravenes the Rules with respect to purses may be subject to a monetary penalty and/or suspended by the Registrar.
3.17 An Association shall not make a condition of entry requiring a licensee to consent to Association personnel or their agent(s) entering the licensee’s property, including public training centres that the licensee occupies, for the purposes of:
Conducting search and seizure; orCollecting biological samples from horses.
3.01 Associations failing to comply with any rule in this chapter or a Track Rule, may be subject to a monetary penalty, suspension, or revocation.
3.02 An Association shall not:
- Operate a racetrack at which racing is conducted without applying for a licence, race dates and the post time for the first race of each program of racing on each race date and having them approved by the Registrar;
- Change its race dates or the post time for the first race on any race date by more than 30 minutes, without having such change approved by the Registrar; or
- Operate a racetrack without payment of the monthly fee for regulatory funding.
3.03 A decision of the Registrar regarding approval or non-approval of race dates is not subject to appeal.
3.04 Before performing their duties, all Officials of an Association shall be approved in writing by the Registrar. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.
3.05 An Association shall provide facilities necessary for the Commission’s designated representatives to carry out their duties for the purposes of licensing and pre and post races duties.
3.06 Associations conducting extended meetings shall provide a paddock. The paddock must be constructed and monitored so as to exclude unauthorized persons.
3.07 Associations conducting extended meetings shall provide a paddock that at minimum:
- includes the services of a blacksmith during racing hours;
- ensures suitable extra equipment necessary to prevent unnecessary delay to the racing program; and
- includes direct communication facilities to the Stewards’ stand.
3.08 Each Association shall prevent the admission of any person in and around the stables except persons having valid business or who are duly licensed by the Commission.
3.09 An Association shall provide a Stewards’ stand that:
- allows Stewards to carry out their duties;
- allows Stewards to communicate to Jockeys and Apprentice Jockeys any health or safety concern on the racetrack;
- ensures security and safety; and
- is acceptable to the Registrar.
3.10 Races shall not be conducted until, in the opinion of the Steward, the Association has caused the racing surface to be suitably prepared for racing.
3.11 An Association shall have present and readily available during all races and timed work outs appropriate ambulance or mobile first aid vehicles, that are able to respond to a health or safety concern involving a participant or patron.
3.12 An Association shall have a horse ambulance readily available during races and timed work outs.
3.13 When a racing Association is conducting racing, it shall reserve sufficient accommodation in its receiving barn for horses that are stabled elsewhere and the trainers of horses racing each day shall have their horses in the receiving barn 4 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races.
3.14 When any horse which is not stabled on the Association grounds where racing is being conducted arrives on a track to race, the trainer or their attendant shall so inform the receiving barn attendant at least 4 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races, and the receiving barn attendant shall inform the appropriate officials, including Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian.
3.15 An Association is responsible for the general supervision and security of its premises.
3.15.01 An Association shall develop security measures to make restricted areas on their premises safe for the protection of licensees and property that is used in the business of racing. These security measures must be acceptable to the Registrar.
3.15.02 Any Association allowing a suspended, disqualified or excluded person or horse to participate in racing after notice from the Registrar, shall be subject to a monetary penalty for each violation.
3.15.03 An Association during the hours of racing shall not permit any unlicensed children to be admitted to the stable area unless in the custody and under the supervision of an adult at all times, or unless otherwise stipulated by the Registrar.
3.15.04 No Association shall allow a person under 18 years of age to purchase or cash a ticket. For the purposes of this rule, a “ticket” is defined as a receipt or voucher that is issued by an Association for one or more bets on a race or races. The Association shall ensure that signs are clearly posted in all areas where tickets are purchased or cashed or on any Association wagering application forms, advising the public of the age restriction, unless otherwise stipulated by the Registrar.
3.16.01 An Association shall not make a condition of entry requiring a licensee to consent to Association personnel or their agent(s) entering the licensee’s property, including public training centres that the licensee occupies, for the purposes of conducting search and seizure.
3.16.02 An Association is prohibited from collecting biological samples from a horse without the Registrar’s prior approval. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.
3.17.01 Associations shall have a system in place that ensures timely and accurate distribution of purses in accordance with the Rules of Racing.
3.17.02 Any licensee entitled to receive a purse payment from an Association, or horseperson’s organization of which the licensee is a member, may request from an Association a summary report. The request must be made within one year from the end of the relevant meeting. The summary report shall include the total purses paid, the source of all funds, and the stakes paid as a percentage of the total purses paid. An Association shall provide the summary report within 30 days of the request.
3.17.03 The Association shall ensure that any person who is entitled to a purse or other payment from the monies that are intended for purposes of purses shall receive the purse or other payment. Where the person who is entitled to such purse or other payment cannot be located within two years of the end of the meeting, the Association may, consider the monies as monies received for purposes of purses in the subsequent meeting.
3.17.04 At the request of the Registrar, at the close of each meeting, an Association shall provide a report to the Registrar with any of the following:
- the handle;
- paid attendance;
- total purses paid;
- provincial government revenue from wagering; or
- Association revenue from wagering for each meeting.
3.18.01 Any owner, jockey or trainer who had a horse start in a race can make a written request to the Stewards to view the race video. The Stewards shall fix a time for the viewing, which shall be held as soon as practical after the race in question. At least one of the three Stewards shall attend the viewing explain to those present what happened in the race.
3.18.02 A Steward may require a licensee to attend a special showing of a race for the purposes of training or education.
3.18.03 Associations or their delegate shall keep on file, race video of each race for one year after the last racing day of the previous year.
3.19.01 All track rules are subject to approval by the Registrar.
3.19.02 The Registrar may approve a track rule that varies the Rules of Racing for any reason including where that variation addresses local issues specific to operations.
3.19.03 Commission Officials and Stewards may enforce track rules and monetary penalties or suspensions may be imposed. Enforcement includes issuing a ruling and collecting a penalty.
3.19.04 A “suspension” in a track rule can only refer to a suspension of licence and cannot be used to refer to loss of privileges to access the property of an association.
3.19.05 A track rule cannot add an additional penalty on a Rule of Racing except a penalty that may be applied by an association as it relates to the conduct of their employees.
3.19.06 A track rule cannot require membership in a horseperson’s association.
3.19.07 Where the Association wishes to reference a Rule of Racing in a track rule, they must clearly and specifically identify the Rule of Racing.
3.19.08 Associations shall post track rules in the paddock and the race office and may post electronically.
3.20 If an Association requires the registration of colours as a condition of racing, the Association shall have all requirements for registration of colours outlined in its track rules. However, any track rules related to colours shall not be adopted for the purposes of Rules of Racing, and the AGCO will not enforce or issue penalties with respect to colours pursuant to the Rules of Racing. An Association’s requirements for the registration of colours shall include a dispute resolution mechanism.
4.15 A person shall not participate in the affairs of an Association as Corporate Director, General Manager, Officer, Agent, or Employee of such Association without first receiving a licence from the Commission, nor shall any person participate in racing as an Official, Owner, Trainer, Jockey, Apprentice Jockey, Jockey’s Agent, Jockey’s Valet, Trainer, Groom, Authorized Agent, Tradesperson, or Veterinarian, or stable employee, nor shall anyone practice their profession, trade, occupation, calling including pari-mutuel employees unless such persons have applied for and have been issued a current Commission licence classified in the appropriate category. An Association may admit to its grounds the holder of the licence to enable the licensee to have access to the area where the licensee is obliged to perform their duties. A licence will not be required for the employee of a company, Partnership, or person with whom the Association has an agreement to supply goods or services on a frequent basis if permission to be exempt from licensing has been received from the Registrar. The Registrar’s granting or refusal of permission is not subject to appeal.
5.01.01 All racing colours worn in races shall be registered annually, or for life, with the Commission at the current set fee.
5.01.02 The front and back of each jacket registered with the Commission must be identical in every particular in colour and pattern.
5.02 No horse shall race in any colours except those registered for its ownership, stable name, or any one of the partners.
5.03 A jockey shall wear the colours of the owner of the horse he/she is riding (except by special permission of the Stewards) and any change of colours shall be announced to the public.
5.04 Any disputes between claimants to the right of particular racing colours shall be decided by the Registrar.
5.05 The purchaser of lifetime colours shall have the right to use these colours throughout their lifetime and may be used by their estate as long as the horses run in the name of that estate. For a period of five years after the estate ceases to use the colours, they cannot be used without the approval of the estate. If lifetime colours are not renewed for a period of ten years, these colours will be eligible for approval for another owner only after all attempts to contact the previous owner have been exhausted.
6.01 No horse shall be permitted to enter or start unless:
- It is duly registered with and approved by the registry office of The Jockey Club (Kentucky) and its registration certificate and/or digital registration is filed with the Association by the time required for identification purposes, or qualifies under Rule 6.44.02. In the case of a horse which has previously run at a track in Ontario, the horse may be allowed to compete with the permission of the Stewards on a facsimile or photocopy of the foal certificate. The purse, if any shall be held until the original foal certificate has been filed with the Association at the discretion of the Stewards;
6.05 The distance of the race or the track, whether dirt, synthetic or turf, may be changed by the Association.
6.10.03 Notwithstanding Rule 6.10.01 entries may be submitted by telephone, or facsimile, electronically or other method approved by the Registrar and the Association may insist on confirmation in writing and postmarked and may refuse an entry if the confirmation is not forthcoming.
6.10.04 Entries shall be made in the name of the owner listed on the foal certificate or digital certificate registered with the Jockey Club. In the case of a leased horse, entries shall be made in the name of the lessee when a copy of the lease is attached to the foal certificate.
6.15 The number of starters in any race shall be limited by the width of the track at the starting post, the maximum number to be determined by the Stewards Starter and approved by the Stewards.
6.18.02 In all Overnight Races that are run in more than one division the method of drawing such races shall be governed by the Association rule which has been approved by the Registrar. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.
6.20 The racing secretary shall keep a list of all horses with valid dates. This information shall determine preference at the time of the draw using the following system:
- Entry dates are valid and generic, until a turf, synthetic or dirt
or Ontario Sireddates are established. (Run dates will be separated between turf, synthetic and dirt, with one not affecting the other); - Any horse which has its foal certificate or digital certificate on file prior to the first day of entries will receive an entry date corresponding to the date of the first draw. Any foal certificate or digital certificate filed after this date will receive an entry date corresponding to the date the certificate is turned into the Race Office;
- Horses which race will receive a run date (either turf, synthetic or dirt depending on the surface of the race);
- Any horse that
leavesenters the paddockwith riders upand is subsequently scratched prior to the race, will maintain its original entry or run date under all conditions (i.e. Horse running off, veterinarian scratch at the gate, if a horse is determined a non starter by malfunction of the gate, etc.);
6.30.01 A horse, other than a first time starter, shall not be eligible to race unless it has started in a race or completed a timed workout at a minimum distance of three-eights (3/8) mile. A horse racing less than 4 furlongs will require a quarter mile (1/4) workout. These workouts must be satisfactory to the Stewards and within thirty (30) clear days of the day of the race for which it is entered. The Stewards shall determine the qualifying times for all distances, surfaces and conditions. The rule may be waived for stake races at the discretion of the Stewards.
6.32 The official order of finish shall reflect the Stewards’ decision in all cases until all procedures and remedies are exhausted. The eligibility of horses to conditions of races will be in accordance with the Stewards’ decision as shown on the official order of finish and will not be subsequently affected by the outcome of the appeal process, should an appeal be allowed in the Rules. Whatever the final outcome of the appeal, if allowed by the Rules, the horse cannot be retroactively declared ineligible to races contested prior to the appeal decision by virtue of the appeal process.
6.35 All first life-time Starters must have at least two (2) published workouts at a minimum distance of 3/8 mile in the current year and at least one (1) of these workouts must be from the starting gate within 45 clear days of the day of entry. Where the proposed race is at a distance of 4 furlongs or less the required established workouts may be at a minimum distance of two (2) furlongs.
- If a horse, other than a first time starter, has not started in 90 days, the horse must have two workouts: one of at least a half-mile and another within 30 days (at least three-eighths (3/8) mile) of the race for which it is entered.
- All first time starters including 2-year-olds must have three workouts to start: one must be from the gate, accompanied by a valid gate approval card within 45 days of the date of entry, and one must be of at least a three-eighths (3/8) mile within 30 days of the date of entry.
8.06 A jockey’s weight shall include their clothing, boots, saddlecloth, saddle-pad, lead, pommel pad, over girth and the saddle and its attachments. None of the following items shall be included in a jockey’s weight: crop whip, head arm number, number cloth, cap, blinkers, safety helmet and safety vest.
8.16.01 In races of shorter lengths than one-half mile, the weights for one-half mile shall be carried. Deleted.
8.16.02 In races of intermediate lengths, the weights for the next shortest distance shall be carried. Deleted.
9.19 The Registrar or the Stewards may, at any time, order a thorough physical examination of any jockey by a physician appointed by the Registrar and the cost of the said examination shall be borne by the Commission. The Registrar’s decision with respect to an appointment of a physician is not subject to appeal.
10.05 Jockey agents shall not be allowed in the saddling area, the paddock or winners’ circle without the permission of the Stewards, unless the jockey agent is an owner of the winning horse in which case he or she shall be allowed in the winners’ circle without permission of the Stewards.
12.01.02 A horse may be exempt from rule 12.01.01 if it meets the following criteria:
- The horse has not raced in any jurisdiction in 150 days.
- The claiming race in question is the horse’s first Ontario race of the current season;
- The horse is entered for a claiming price equal to or greater than the price it last started for; and
- At the time of entry into a claiming race, the owner or trainer has advised the Race Secretary that they are opting to declare a horse exempt from being claimed. Any failure to declare an exemption may not be remedied.
An Association shall note a declaration of exemption in the official program.
12.01.03 Owners who were licensed and stabled in Ontario in the previous year shall be eligible to claim in the first 30 days of the current meet.
12.10 All claims shall be on forms and contained in envelopes provided by the Commission Association.
12.13 Transfer of possession of a claimed horse shall take place in the paddock claiming barn or designated area immediately after the running of said race, unless the horse is required to be taken to either the retention test barn and/or TCO2 test barn for post-race testing. The successful claimant or their representative shall maintain physical custody of the claimed horse. Transfer of possession of each claimed horse will take place after sample tags have been signed by the previous trainer and/or their representative.
12.13.01 Transfer of possession of a claimed horse to the successful claimant or their representative shall take place in the paddock claiming barn or designated area immediately after the running of the race. The horse’s halter must accompany the horse. Altering or removing the horse’s shoes prior to transfer is not permitted.
12.18.01 Subject to Rule 12.16, title to a claimed horse shall vest in the successful claimant from the time the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of such horse at the time the Starter dispatches the horses in a valid start for the claiming race. The successful claimant shall take possession of the claimed horse according to the Rules whether said horse is alive or dead, sound or unsound, or injured during or after the race.
13.17 Subject to the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015, any person aggrieved by a decision or ruling of the Stewards, Registrar or delegated officials may appeal the decision or ruling to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP).
13.17.01 Deleted.
13.17.02 Deleted.
13.17.03 Purse money affected by an appeal shall be held by the Association pending disposition.
13.17.04 Pending disposition of an appeal, all penalties imposed shall continue in full force and effect except when stayed by order of the HRAP.
13.17.05 The official performance records shall reflect the Stewards’ decision in all cases until all appeal procedures and remedies are exhausted. The eligibility of horses to the conditions of races will be in accordance with the Stewards’ decision as shown in the official performance records and will not be subsequently affected by the outcome of the appeal process. Whatever the final outcome of the appeal, the horse cannot be retroactively declared ineligible to races already contested prior to the appeal decision.
13.17.06 Deleted.
13.17.07 A decision of the HRAP which affects the distribution of purse money or order of finish of a race after the race had been declared official shall have no bearing on the distribution of pari-mutuel pools.
13.17.08 Deleted.
13.17.09 Deleted.
13.18 Deleted.
13.19 Deleted.
14.01.01 Racing Associations shall take every reasonable precaution to make their premises safe for the protection of the persons and property of patrons and licensees.
14.01.02 Each Association shall police its grounds at all times in such a manner as to prevent the admission of any person in and around the stables excepting those having valid business or duly licensed by the Commission.
14.02 Deleted.
14.01 14.02.01 Only properly Commission licensed participants shall be mounted on a horse or pony on the Association grounds, and such participant is required to wear properly affixed and secured helmets and safety vests, as prescribed by Rule 14.02.02. The licensee is responsible for ensuring that his/her helmet and safety vest meets the safety standards. (Effective January 1, 2013)
14.02 14.02.02 Where it is required under the Rules, only helmets meeting the following standards set by the following shall be used:
- American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM 1163); - UK Standards
(EN-1384 and PAS-015); or, - Australian/New Zealand Standard
(AS/NZ 3838).
Where it is required under the Rules, only safety vests meeting the following standards set by the following shall be used:
- British Equestrian Trade Association
(BETA:2000 Level 1); - Euro Norm
(EN 13158:2000 Level 1); - American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM F2681-08); - Shoe and Allied Trade Research Association
(SATRA Jockey Vest Document M6 Issue 3); or, - Australian Racing Board
(ARB Standard 1.1998). (Effective January 1, 2013).
14.03 Each Association shall have in attendance at each race track at which horses are being raced or exercised person-ambulance(s) and horse-ambulance(s), staffed with qualified personnel to render first aid and transport injured persons or horses to the closest place available for medical or veterinary treatment, as the case may be; such ambulances shall be placed at an entrance to the racing-strip.
14.04 Associations shall not post or enforce track rules which are in conflict with any provision contained in the Rules. Track rules shall be posted in either the paddock and/or offices of the race secretary. The Stewards may impose a monetary penalty or suspension, or both, for a violation of any of the track rules specifically adopted by the Stewards.
14.03 14.05 Smoking is prohibited within 10 feet of any designated signed areas, stall, tack room, shedrow or any portion of a barn including the paddock. For the purpose of this rule, the paddock will include the cafeteria, jockeys’ change room, washrooms and offices within the paddock area. Smoking is also prohibited anywhere on the racetrack surface at any time.
Penalty for an infraction of Rule 14.053:
- First violation will result in a $50 monetary penalty;
- Second violation within a year of the first violation will result in a $300 monetary penalty or a 5 day suspension or both;
- Third violation within a year of the first violation will result in a minimum monetary penalty of $500 and a 7 day suspension;
- Fourth violation within a year of the first violation will result in a suspension and referral to the Registrar.
14.04 An Association shall not cancel track facilities unless weather or exceptional conditions apply once the track opens for training until closing of the racing season.
14.05 If track or weather conditions are questionable for racing of horses, including actual temperature as defined in 14.06, a meeting shall be convened among the Stewards, management, a representative of the Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association (HBPA) and jockeys. If required, the Stewards shall conduct a secret ballot vote of the jockeys programmed to ride that day who are present, to determine if racing should be canceled. If the vote of the jockeys determines that more than 50% vote against racing, the card will be canceled. Notwithstanding the vote, the jockeys who cancel their mount will not be subject to any penalties. The foregoing does not prevent racetrack management from canceling the races due to track or weather conditions without consultation with the Stewards, HBPA or the jockeys.
In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the Extreme Temperature Standards at Rule 14.06 shall be applied.
Extreme Temperature Standard
14.06 In the event of a forecasted extreme temperature, the decision to cancel racing shall be made by an Association applying the Extreme Temperature Standard and Policy Directive 1-2009 Cancellation Fees.
Actual temperature: temperature at racetrack at post-time, or at any point during the race program as agreed upon by an Association representative and a Racing Official.
Extreme temperature: any temperature which falls within Tier 1 or Tier 2 of the Extreme Temperature Standard.
Forecasted extreme temperature: the temperature based on a publicly accessible local forecast at 5 hours to post-time. At the beginning of each race season the Association shall advise the industry which weather source will be used for temperature forecasts, failing which the weather source shall be the Weather Network.
Tier 1 |
Tier 2 |
Forecasted Temperature Range |
31 C to 37,9 C |
equal to or greater than 38 C |
-15 C to -24,9 C |
equal to or less than -25 C |
Weather Related Scratches Permitted Without Penalty |
Yes |
Yes |
Additional Measures |
Additional measures must be put in place to ensure the well-being of the horse and any licensees with positions that may be impacted by extreme temperature. |
The following additional measures must be put in place to ensure the well-being of the horse and any licensees with positions that may be impacted by extreme temperature: Heat: 2 additional Veterinarians, or 1 additional Veterinarian and 1 registered Veterinarian Technician to monitor temperature, pulse, and respiration rate of equine athletes pre-race and post-race; Additional hosing stations or mobile cooling station with trained attendant; access to water for horses at all times; shaded areas provided for unsaddling horses; ice made available in numerous locations; Racing Officials to minimize post parade time. Cold: 2 additional vets, or 1 additional Veterinarian and 1 registered Veterinarian Technician to monitor temperature, pulse and respiration rate of equine athletes pre-race and post-race, as well as conditions related to cold temperature including frost bite; tongues not tied outside of horse’s mouth; blankets shall be available for each horse; Racing Officials to minimize post parade time. |
Cancellation Required |
Decision to be made by Association |
Decision to be made by Association |
15.31.02 The Registrar may establish a list of drugs, substances or medications for purposes of Rule 15.31.01 and may impose conditions to the possession or use of the drug, substance or medication. The Registrar’s established list and imposed conditions are not subject to appeal.
15.32.08 The Registrar may approve a facility to conduct a post-mortem and testing if:
- The Registrar is satisfied that the facility is adequately equipped and secure to carry out the post-mortem and testing;
- The Registrar is satisfied that the facility operator is competent and that the individuals who will carry out the post-mortem and testing have the requisite training and professional designations or requirements to do so, including a veterinary pathologist; and
- The facility operator and the Registrar have entered into an arrangement, memorandum of understanding or agreement with respect to, among other things, the standards for the carrying out of and reporting on the post-mortem and testing, the confidentiality and use of the results of the post-mortem and testing and any reports prepared therefrom, including use for research purposes for the betterment of racing, protection of horses and their health, and enforcement purposes.
The Registrar’s approval or refusal of a facility is not subject to appeal.
15.33.03 The Registrar shall establish a protocol for the collection of or to obtain biological samples from horses and for the testing for the indication of the administration of erythropoietin or any of its synthetic derivatives. Licensees shall comply with the protocol. The Registrar’s establishment of the protocol and the content of the protocol is not subject to appeal.
15.33.04 The Registrar may approve one or more tests where he or she is satisfied that the testing methodology used is appropriate to determine whether or not the sample will result in the indication of the administration of erythropoietin or any of its synthetic derivatives. The Registrar’s approval or refusal to approve tests is not subject to appeal
15.33.05 The Registrar may approve a laboratory operator to conduct the testing:
- If he or she is satisfied that the laboratory is adequately equipped and secure to carry out the testing;
- If he or she is satisfied that the laboratory operator is competent and that the individuals who will carry out the testing have the requisite training to do so; and
- The laboratory operator and the Registrar have entered into an arrangement, memorandum of understanding or agreement with respect to, among other things, the standards for the carrying out of the testing, the reporting of the results of the testing, the confidentiality and use of the results of the testing and any reports prepared therefrom, including use for research purposes for the betterment of racing, protection of the horse and the health of the horse, and enforcement purposes.
The Registrar’s approval or refusal of a laboratory is not subject to appeal.
15.33.08 For purposes of testing for the indication of the administration of erythropoietin or any of its synthetic derivatives in the biological sample, the Registrar shall establish by Directive the detectable limit for each test that has been approved. The establishment of the detectable limits and provisions are not subject to appeal.
16.01.01 At a meeting, except in the case of an emergency, there shall be a minimum of two Stewards employed and appointed by the Registrar, one of whom shall be designated by the Registrar as Senior Steward under whose supervision the Stewards shall, collectively, carry out all the duties and responsibilities specified in the Rules. All decisions of the Stewards shall be determined by majority vote. In the cases where there are only two Stewards officiating, the Senior Steward or the Steward designated as the Senior Steward by the Registrar, shall have in addition to the regular vote, a casting vote. The Registrar’s appointments and designations pursuant to this rule are not subject to appeal.
16.01.03 Stewards shall not be employed by an Association in any other capacity during the time he/she acts as a Steward. Exceptions to this rule may be authorized by the Registrar. The Registrar’s authorization or non-authorization is not subject to appeal.
17.10 All races shall be started from a starting gate approved by the Registrar but, in the event of emergency, the Stewards may permit a race to be started without a starting gate, or may permit a race to be started with a starting gate with its doors open. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval of a starting gate is not subject to appeal.
17.11 When a race is started without a gate, there shall be no start until and no recall after an assistant Starter has dropped their flag in answer to the direction of the Starter. Deleted
17.13 If any horse of an entry or any horse grouped in the mutuel field leaves the starting gate in a valid start, all horses in the entry or mutuel field will be regarded as starters. In the case of a part of an entry or part of mutuel field which has become locked in the gate; such horse shall be considered a non-starter in regard to conditions for future races only.
23.06 An Official Timer, to be appointed by the Association and approved by the Registrar, shall attend at an Association racetrack daily for morning workouts, shall time all workouts at such racetrack and make public the length and time of the workouts. The Registrar’s approval or non-approval is not subject to appeal.
24.01 The Registrar may impose in his or her absolute discretion any or all the following penalties for conduct prejudicial to the best interests of racing, or for a violation of the Rules:
- Refuse the person admission to the grounds of an Association;
- Expel the person from the grounds of an Association;
- Suspend any Commission licensee for any length or time he or she may deem proper;
- Impose a penalty he or she deems proper;
Rule a person off the turf for any length of time he or she may deem proper.
The Registrar’s imposed penalty is subject to appeal if the underlying rule that is alleged to have been violated is subject to appeal.
24.02 When there is no specified penalty for violations of the Rules or of the regulations of the Association, the Registrar has power to disqualify, assess a monetary penalty, suspend, expel from the course, rule off or otherwise sanction. The Registrar’s imposed penalty is subject to appeal if the underlying rule that is alleged to have been violated is subject to appeal.
24.03.01 If any case occurs which is not or which is alleged not to be provided for by the Rules or if the imposition of the Rules would prove to be a hardship on any licensee, it shall be determined by the Registrar in such manner as he or she believes is in the best interest of racing. The Registrar may also, in his or her absolute discretion, at any time waive the breach of any of the Rules, which waiver or breach the Registrar does not consider prejudicial to the best interests of racing.
24.03.02 The Registrar may, in his or her absolute discretion, at any time waive the breach of any of the Rules, which waiver or breach the Registrar does not consider prejudicial to the best interests of racing. The Registrar’s waiver of or refusal to waive a rule is not subject to appeal.
27.01 The Commission Veterinarians Veterinary staff of the Commission shall be those veterinarians appointed by the Commission Registrar from time to time to officiate at thoroughbred race meetings; in these Rules all referred to as Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian. Any decision with respect to the Registrar’s appointment of a Commission Veterinarian is not subject to appeal.
27.01.01 The Official Veterinarians shall be those veterinarians appointed by the Associations and approved by the Registrar to officiate at extended race racing meetings. At the discretion of the Registrar, the duties of the Official Veterinarian may be assumed by the Commission Veterinarian. Any decision with respect to the Registrar’s approval of an Official Veterinarian is not subject to appeal.
29.10 A person shall not train horses or be programmed as a Trainer or Assistant Trainer of record, without first having obtained a trainer or assistant trainer licence valid for the current year by meeting the standards for trainer or assistant trainer as established laid down by the HBPA.
29.11.02 Qualifications Requirements for obtaining an assistant trainer’s licence shall be prescribed by the Stewards and the Registrar and may include those requirements prescribed in Rule 29.10. The establishment of licence requirements prescribed qualifications and the requirements prescribed qualifications themselves is not subject to appeal.
30.06 No apprentice shall carry a whip crop in a race until he/she has ridden in at least five races and then only with the permission of the Stewards.
37.03 Laboratory Approval Process
The Registrar may approve a laboratory under Rule 37.02, if:
- The Registrar is satisfied that the laboratory employs competent staff, and has the necessary facilities and technical capability to conduct the testing of horses in accordance with Rule 37.06; and
- The laboratory conducts the testing of horses in accordance with Rule 37.06; and
- The laboratory undertakes to permit the Registrar or any person designated by the Registrar such access to its facilities and records, at any reasonable time selected by the Registrar or person that will allow the Registrar or person to audit the laboratory operations for the purposes of determining its compliance with the requirements of Rule 37.03 (a) and (b).
The Registrar’s granting or refusal of approval is not subject to appeal.
37.04 Withdrawal of Approval
The Registrar may withdraw its his or her approval under Rule 37.03 if the approved TCO2 laboratory, in the opinion of the Registrar, does not comply with the provisions of Rule 37.03 or 37.06. The Registrar’s decision to withdraw or not withdraw his or her approval is not subject to appeal.
39.07 The Registrar may direct a laboratory to retain and preserve samples for future analysis. Any decision with respect to the Registrar’s direction is not subject to appeal.
39.08 The Registrar may, at his or her discretion fix a time period which is not subject to appeal, that the sample(s) will be stored for, and may order the destruction of stored samples as he or she sees fit.
41.01 Subject to the Horse Racing Licence Act, 2015, a person aggrieved by a decision or ruling of the Stewards, Registrar or delegated officials made pursuant to these Rules, may appeal the decision or ruling to the Horse Racing Appeal Panel (HRAP), unless otherwise specified in the Rules.
For greater certainty, where the Rules allow for an appeal of a decision or ruling, the following aggrieved persons may appeal a decision:
- In the case of a ruling or decision affecting purse distribution, eligibility or placing a:
- Jockey;
- Owner; or
- Trainer
who is associated with a horse that is entered in the race referred to in the ruling or decision;
- In the case of a ruling or decision regarding a licensee’s conduct, only the licensee named in the ruling or decision.
41.02 Purse money affected by an appeal shall be held by the Association pending disposition.
41.03 Pending disposition of an appeal, all penalties imposed shall continue in full force and effect except when stayed by order of the HRAP.
41.04 The official performance records shall reflect the Stewards’ decision in all cases until all appeal procedures and remedies are exhausted. The eligibility of horses to the conditions of races will be in accordance with the Stewards’ decision as shown in the official performance records and will not be subsequently affected by the outcome of the appeal process. Whatever the final outcome of the appeal, the horse cannot be retroactively declared ineligible to races already contested prior to the appeal decision.
41.05 A decision of the HRAP which affects the distribution of purse money or order of finish of a race after the race had been declared official shall have no bearing on the distribution of pari-mutuel pools.
3.13 When a racing Association is conducting racing, it shall reserve sufficient accommodation in its receiving barn for horses that are stabled elsewhere and the trainers of horses racing each day shall have their horses in the receiving barn 2 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races.
3.14 When any horse which is not stabled on the Association grounds where racing is being conducted arrives on a track to race, the trainer or their attendant shall so inform the receiving barn attendant at least 2 hours prior to post time for the first race of the race program in which it races, and the receiving barn attendant shall inform the appropriate officials, including Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian.