See also Chapter 30: Apprentice Jockeys

8.01  Deleted.

8.02  The owner or trainer shall claim all weight allowances at the time of entry and the claimant shall be held responsible should a horse be started carrying an incorrect weight. If as a result of carrying too little weight a horse is disqualified, the owner or trainer claiming such weight shall be held responsible.

8.03  Subject to Rules 8.05.01 and 8.05.02, if a horse fails to carry at least his correct weight over the entire distance of the race, such horse shall be disqualified.

8.04.01  A jockey shall declare his/her overweight to the Clerk of the Scales at a time fixed by the Clerk of the Scales, and the clerk shall have the overweight posted immediately on the notice board. Failure on the part of any jockey to comply with this rule shall be reported to the Stewards.

8.04.02  Five pounds is the limit of the overweight any horse is allowed to carry but an allowance may be waived with permission of the Stewards to comply with this rule. (See Rule 8.10). However, an owner or his/her representative may, in the absence of sufficient allowances, request an overweight in excess of 5 pounds. The Stewards may grant such request if they believe it is in the best interest of racing.

8.05.01  Each jockey shall weigh in at the same weight as he/she weighed out, except that a tolerance not to exceed two pounds underweight is allowed. If short by more than two pounds his/her mount shall be disqualified.

8.05.02  Should a jockey’s weight exceed three (3) pounds overweight (excluding safety helmet and vest) when weighing in, after a race, he/she shall be subject to disciplinary action, unless such weight has been affected by the elements.

8.05.03  No jockey shall, before weighing in, willfully touch any person or thing, other than the equipment that is to be included in their weight.

8.05.04  After unsaddling, a jockey shall pass their equipment to the valet who will carry it to the scales at which time the valet will give it to the jockey to weigh in. After weighing in the equipment may be handed back to their valet.

8.05.05  The Stewards shall display the official sign on the infield board immediately after notification from the claim of foul person is received, provided that none of the following has occurred:

  1. The Stewards have posted the inquiry sign;
  2. A jockey has claimed a foul;
  3. The Stewards have received an objection from an owner or trainer by phone.

If any or all of the above have occurred the Stewards shall delay posting the official sign until all jockeys capable of weighing out have done so and any or all the above have been resolved by the Stewards.

8.06  A jockey’s weight shall include their clothing, boots, saddlecloth, saddle-pad, lead, pommel pad, overgirth and the saddle and its attachments. None of the following items shall be included in a jockey’s weight: crop, arm number, number cloth, cap, blinkers, safety helmet and safety vests.

8.07  Except in handicaps and races where the conditions expressly state to the contrary, fillies two years old shall be allowed three pounds; fillies and mares three years old or over shall be allowed five pounds before September 1 in any year, and three pounds thereafter.

8.08  Horses penalized in a race shall not be entitled to subsequent weight allowance lines in that race. Any sex, Canadian-bred and/or apprentice allowance may still be claimed.

8.09  Horses not entitled to the first allowance in a race shall not be entitled to any subsequent allowance.

8.10  Allowances, with the exception of the sex allowance, are optional as to all or any part of them and shall be claimed at the time of entry, but even though so claimed remain optional; penalties, however, are obligatory.

8.11  A claim for an allowance less than a horse is entitled to will not disqualify a horse unless persisted in at the weighing out.

8.012  Only the first five finishers shall weigh in upon completion of a race, unless the Stewards direct otherwise.

8.13  No horse shall be penalized, nor shall it be barred from any race, for having placed second or lower in any race.

8.014  Penalties and allowances are not cumulative, unless so declared by the conditions of a race.

8.15  No two-year-old shall compete in an all-age race before September 1 in any year.

8.16.01  Deleted.

8.16.02  Deleted.

8.16.03  All jockeys riding in stake races that have scale weights shall include the weight of the safety vest in their weight.

8.16.04  Deleted.

8.16.05  The minimum weight shall be 105 pounds in any race.

8.16.06  No allowance shall be made for geldings in any race.