Report on Inter-Store Transfers of Cannabis Products — Outgoing

Inter-Store Transfer—Outgoing” sub-report tab

As required under Section 4.2 of the Registrar’s Standards, licensees who hold more than one retail store authorization may transfer cannabis products between their retail stores. The Standards further state that records of all movements of cannabis products between stores must be maintained.

Licensees must prepare a Report on All Inter-Store Transfers of Cannabis Products-Outgoing for all outgoing inter-store transfers made during the reporting period as part of a completed Integrated Cannabis Retail Report, and not as a separate submission by itself. Please include all cannabis product (excluding accessories) transferred to another store directly (and acknowledged to have been received by them) in this reporting period. Completion of this sub-report is not required if no outgoing inter-store transfers of cannabis products occurred during the reporting period.

Data Definitions

The following table details the required data elements associated with cannabis product(s) or stock received by an authorized store in the “Inter-Store Transfer—Outgoing” sub-report tab in addition to definitions and formulas:

Data Element



Identify the OCS-defined type of cannabis product category being reported as follows:

     • Beverages

     • Capsules

     • Concentrates

     • Dried Flower

     • Edibles

     • Oils

     • Pre-rolls

     • Seeds

     • Topicals

     • Vapes


This is the unique product identifier (“stock keeping unit”) assigned to cannabis products sold by OCS to licensees. The perpetual inventory systems of the licensees must reference and use the specific SKU provided by the OCS as the primary cannabis product identifier.


This is the unique “universal product code” assigned to cannabis products purchased from the OCS. The authorized store’s system must reference the product barcode provided by the OCS in their perpetual inventory system. UPC codes for each item will be provided to licensees prior to the launch of Authorized Stores. A UPC consists of numeric digits that forms the barcode used for scanning an item at the point-of-sale.

Unit of Measure

This is the standard of unit or systems of unit by means of which the quantity of inventory for each SKU is expressed or accounted for. The same unit of measure (UOM) should be applied to the report as is provided in OCS’s shipment data.

Quantity Transferred

Indicate the total quantity of outgoing inter-store transfers of SKU(s) in each reporting period. Do not report, as part of “Quantity Transferred”, outgoing inter-store transfers that are still in-transit and not yet physically received and acknowledged by the receiving store as at the last day of that period. Report them in the subsequent reporting period when the transferred inventory was physically received and acknowledged by the receiving licensed cannabis retail store.

Date Transferred (YYYY/MM/DD)

Indicate the exact date (YYYY/MM/DD) when the outgoing inter-store transfers of SKU(s) were physically received and acknowledged/signed-off by the receiving store.

Acknowledged By

Indicate the name and position/title of the authorized store personnel who acknowledged/signed-off the receipt of the inventory transfer.


Indicate the exact/complete CRSA number of the receiving store or recipient of the outgoing inter-store transfers of SKU(s).


Indicate the exact/complete name of the receiving store or recipient of the outgoing inter-store transfers of SKU(s).

Discrepancy Review (last column of the table)

This column is not editable by the user. It will display any discrepancies in the data that has been provided. These may be derived from comparisons of data between different populated tabs in the report. If no issues are present, the column will be blank, and the header row will say "No Discrepancy Rows to Review". If issues are present, the header will indicate the number of discrepancies present in the column below and will appear in red highlighting. To review them, use the drop-down menu available in the same header cell to filter the table to the rows with issues. A detailed list of these issues across all tabs is available in the tab called “Discrepancy Details”.