Retail Reporting

Guidelines and Specifications

This chapter provides detailed information to assist operators of authorized cannabis retail stores in meeting their  Automated Retail Data Submission and Incident-Based Retail reporting obligations to the Registrar. Licensees must read and understand the contents of this chapter prior to operating a cannabis retail store. 

Automated Retail Data Submission is completed through the Point-of-Sale (POS) Data Reporting Platform that works with your POS software, if it has been successfully onboarded to the data platform. Incident-Based Retail Reports are submitted via the iAGCO online portal and supplementary information is required as based on the Notification Matrix.

If you are looking for assistance with your reporting, please complete the Cannabis E-learning module  (Licence Key: 8444-6196-1617-3306).

Submitting Your Reports

Timing of Submission

All licensees are required to accurately complete and submit reports to AGCO as necessary, following the applicable timing of submission as set out in the “Regulatory Reporting Requirements – Cannabis” (Notification Matrix).

Failure to Submit on Time

Failing to submit accurate and complete reports within the required timeframe is a breach of the Registrar’s Standards and may result in regulatory action.

Method of Submission

All licensees must upload and submit their completed reports to the AGCO online though the iAGCO portal. For more information about iAGCO portal, please visit the iAGCO Information page.

Navigate to the corresponding sections of this Guide for further information on monthly retail and incident-based retail reporting requirements.