The AGCO Cannabis Retail Reporting e-learning module is designed to help cannabis retailers understand how to enter retail data into their Point-of-Sale system, maintain accurate, consistent records for a variety of data entry types, and fulfill their federal and regulatory reporting requirements by providing information on how to submit these reports and troubleshoot issues.

This eLearning course will:
- Apply best practices for entering data into a Point-of-Sale (POS) system
Completed an AGCO course in the past?
- Please use your existing account details to access the Cannabis Seed-to-Sale course
- Existing users will be prompted to enter in their company name before accessing the site
Follow these steps to access the course:
Go to AGCO's Education Portal
Click this link:
Register by selecting "Create a New Account".
Licence Key
Input the licence Key: 8444-6196-1617-3306 to complete registration.
Enter the Course
Select the Cannabis Cannabis Seed to Sale Data Entry Guidelines eLearning course and follow the prompts to enter.