4.26 A mechanism shall be in place to randomly select game elements used to determine game outcomes. This Standard does not apply to sport and event betting products.(Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. Initial values and conditions shall be selected and used to seed the random selection process in a way that ensures the randomness of the resulting game outcomes and avoids any correlation of selected game elements with elements selected by any other instances of the mechanism.
  2. The selected game elements and their associated game outcomes shall not be influenced, affected or controlled by the amount wagered, or by the style or method of play unless the conditions are changed and are disclosed clearly to the player.
  3. The mechanism used to select game elements and their associated game outcomes shall be impervious to outside influences (such as electro-magnetic interference, devices within or external to the gaming system; the characteristics of the communication channel between the system and the end player device, the player or the Operator) and its components shall not be subject to deterioration that impacts, before any scheduled replacement lifecycle, the randomness of selection.
  4. The selected game elements and their associated game outcomes shall not be altered, discarded or otherwise manipulated through a secondary decision by the game program and shall not be impacted by load on the gaming system.
  5. Any failure by the mechanism to randomly select game elements, including an interruption in the selection process, must be identified and responded to quickly and appropriately to minimize the effect on players. 

4.27 Mechanisms used to select game elements and their associated game outcome must be capable of being monitored and inspected to ensure the integrity of the mechanisms and its component devices and the randomness of the generated outcomes. This Standard does not apply to sport and event betting products. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)