4.24 Games must operate according to their game specifications and the outcomes must be determined in accordance with the terms governing play and prevailing payouts as they are described to the player. Sport and event betting must be conducted fairly, honestly and in accordance with the terms of the bet placed by the player. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. All possible game outcomes (winning and losing outcomes) shall be available in each play, unless clearly explained to the player.
  2. The probability of game outcomes in virtual games shall be the same as in the associated live game (e.g., card games), unless the differences are set out in the terms governing play and communicated to players.
  3. The probability of achieving a specific game outcome shall be constant and independent of game history, player or any other factor, unless clearly explained in the terms governing play. Where the game outcome is intended to be random (e.g., dice games or slot games), the outcome must not be dependent or based upon any history or other factors.
  4. Sport and event bets shall be accepted, processed, and settled in accordance with the terms of the bet placed by the player, including any applicable betting rules.

4.25 Bets shall be committed before the determination of game outcomes.  Any wager received after the determination of game outcomes associated with the wager shall be voided and returned to the player. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

4.25.1 In sport and event betting, bets must be settled fairly and in accordance with the terms of the bet placed by the player and any applicable betting rules that were available to the player when the bet was placed.  Where raised, the reasons for the settlement must be clearly and promptly provided to the player. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

4.25.2 The results of bets on sporting or other events must be provided to players making bets on the events. Any change of results must be made available.  Account balances will be updated as the results of wagers are confirmed. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

4.25.3 Sport and event betting operators shall have controls in place to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of sport and event results data. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)