4.17 Operators shall have mechanisms in place to appropriately deter, prevent and detect collusion and cheating.

4.18 All relevant activities related to the detection of collusion and cheating shall be logged.

4.19 Players shall be provided with clear information on the process to report activities related to collusion and cheating, including the suspected use of bots. The process must be simple to use and readily accessible to a player seeking to make a report.

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. Complaints by players about unfair treatment, cheating and collusion must be investigated.
  2. Information about the Operator’s policies and procedures to deter, prevent and detect unfair behaviour, cheating and collusion, including the suspension or disabling or accounts and any recovery of funds, must be made available to the public on request. 
  3. Where an investigation, whether initiated by the Operator or as a result of a player complaint, results in the suspension or disabling of a player account, records of the investigation identifying the activities, the reason for the investigation (including whether it was initiated as the result of a player complaint) and any relevant evidence should be retained in accordance with Standard 1.09. 
  4. The Registrar shall be informed, in accordance with the notification matrix, of any incident that an Operator reasonably believes constitutes an incident of intentional cheating while playing a lottery scheme.