4.22 In peer-to-peer games, Operators must implement measures intended to deter, prevent and detect the use by players of software programs to automatically participate in game play (referred to as a bot) or to provide the player with an unfair advantage over other players.

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. Operators must clearly provide notice to players of peer-to-peer games that the use of such software is not permitted and, if a player is found to have used such software, it will be considered to be cheating and the player may be sanctioned by the Operator accordingly.

4.23 Games must be conducted in a manner that ensures players are treated fairly and not unfairly disadvantaged by other players. (Also applicable to Gaming-Related Suppliers)

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. Measures intended to deter, prevent, and detect unfair behaviour, collusion and cheating, including the suspected use of bots, must be implemented.
  2. Information regarding specific game elements (such as a player’s hand or cards) shall not be accessible to give advantage to any player during games, unless by the player themselves.
  3. A mechanism shall be in place to ensure that a player cannot play against themselves or occupy more than one seat at an individual table.
  4. Gaming systems must retain a record of relevant activities to facilitate investigation and be capable of suspending or disabling player accounts and player sessions.
  5. Operators must monitor the effectiveness of their policies and procedures.
  6. As a minimum deterrent, players must be informed that accounts may be closed if the player has cheated, colluded or acted unfairly towards another player.