How to Complete your Monthly Retail Reporting

This is the starting point for completing the monthly retail reporting.

Section A: Licence Information

The first field is for your Cannabis Retail Store Authorization Number (or CRSA) number. This field should only contain the letters “CRSA” followed by the 7 digits of your AGCO-issued licence number, with neither spaces, underscores nor number signs (#). If multiple licences were active for the same establishment in the relevant reporting period, submit separate completed reports for each licence, where each reflects only the portion of the reporting period in which that specific licence was active.

Section B: Reporting Period

Enter this section with the year and month that you are reporting. Answer by selecting from the drop-down menu in the cell. Ensure you are selecting the time frame of the reporting and not for the month that is currently underway for your licence.

After having filled Section A & B, a field “Please now Save as an Excel file named:” below them will show what your file should be named. Ensure the name used in this field is followed in the name of the file that you submit to AGCO. The data should represent all the retail activity of only the licence indicated in the filename, for the reporting period indicated in the filename during which this licence was active, and not include any activity during which a different licence was in use.

Section C: Report Correspondence Info

For a timely turnaround of the reports, it is important to provide the most up-to-date contact information for retail stores or their representatives. Answer this section by entering at least 2 different, current, validated, and responsive contact people. Two contacts are mandatory, and their validity should be checked every reporting period. You can also include up to 3 additional contacts. If the mandatory contact fields are left blank, we will revert to the previous period’s list.

Section D: Employee Count

Information in this section is required for federal reporting purposes. This information is specific to the total number of employees employed over the course of the reporting period by the authorized store. Employees are defined as persons who, during the reference period, were employed at the reporting facility, regardless of the number of hours worked. Definitions of the data fields required are as follows:

Data Element



Includes senior and middle management employees.


Includes financial, business, administrative, clerical, supervision, and support services employees.


Includes retail and wholesale sales, and customer service employees


Includes supervisory, production, and general labour employees.


Includes all other employees.

Please update these numbers each reporting period. Do not double-count employees across categories.

Section E: Data Selections

Answering questions in this section will enable report tabs and direct you as to what fields and tabs are required for your successful and complete submission. Use the drop-down option in column B to select answers to all questions instead of typing them. Please answer all questions that appear.

The first question about the store’s sales/inventory activity will determine if you need to complete any sub-report tabs at all. Answer “Yes” if the store had either sales activity or received inventory this reporting period. If you answer “Yes”, completion of at least the “Federal” and “Monthly Sales” sub-report tabs is required. If “No” is selected as an answer, the store with an active licence and no sales/inventory activity will need to save and submit this report. If the store has been very recently issued a licence by the AGCO, it is required to submit a completed report for that reporting period, even if the answer to this question was “No”. If a store is in the situation that it has received no inventory whatsoever and had no sales, and a reporting period ends, save this report file with the “No” selected, without proceeding to enter any data in the subsequent report tabs. In this specific scenario only, the report is now complete and is ready for submission. These “Nil” report submissions are required by the Federal government.

For the second question, “Do you give consent for the AGCO to also share the sales data on the "Monthly Sales” tab with the OCS?”, if you answer “Yes”, you are indicating that you give consent to the AGCO to provide this sales data to the OCS on your behalf. If you select “No”, you are indicating that you do not give consent to the AGCO to provide this sales data to the OCS on your behalf and acknowledge that you make other arrangements directly with the OCS. Keep in mind that this does not mean that the data cannot be sent to OCS; it means that you are taking care of that step yourself, without the assistance of the AGCO.

Completion of the rest of this section will determine what other detailed data will be required. The other questions in this section will only appear if answer “Yes” was selected for the first question, as they determine what data tabs are required based on the activities indicated that have occurred throughout the reporting period. For these other questions, if you answer “Yes”, you must complete a report in a corresponding tab. If your response is “No”, no activity is required on that tab. The tabs only become “visible” if a “Yes” is selected to the appropriate question, so if a tab that should have data on it does not appear editable, please review the answers to your questions in this section here first.

Section F: Data Input and Review

This section contains helpful suggestions and reminders. No selections need to be made. Please consult this information for effective use of the template.

Section G: Report Submission

The last section is about submission of reports. Once all issues have been reviewed and addressed, save the completed file, and submit it to the AGCO via the iAGCO Portal, ensuring that you use the same licence # that the file represents.