Section 4.1: Caterer’s Endorsement

What is a Caterer’s Endorsement?

A Caterer’s Endorsement allows wineries that hold a By-the-Glass Endorsement to sell and serve their products at catered events at locations away from the manufacturer’s licensed premises.

The sale and service of liquor under a Caterer’s Endorsement must be primarily aimed at promoting the licensee’s product and either providing an enhanced tourist experience or fulfilling an educational purpose.

Things to know before you apply

Eligibility Criteria

Only Ontario wineries which hold a Winery Licence and a By-the-Glass Endorsement are eligible for this endorsement.

Manufacturers that hold more than one by-the-glass endorsement must apply for a separate caterer’s endorsement for each by-the-glass endorsement.


  • A manufacturer may hold both a Caterer’s Endorsement to a Winery Licence and a Caterer’s Endorsement to a Liquor Sales Licence (for a Tied House), but must comply with the requirements specific to each Caterer’s Endorsement.
  • For information on how to apply for a Liquor Sales Licence for a Tied House and associated endorsements, see the Liquor Sales Licence (Including Tied House) and Mini Bar Licence Guide Section 10.

Operational Restrictions

The holder of a Caterer’s Endorsement to a Winery Licence may sell and serve their liquor at an event held on premises other than the premises to which the By-the-Glass Endorsement applies. A Special Occasion Permit is not required.

  • The catered event must be sponsored by someone other than the licence holder and may not be more than ten (10) days in duration.
  • Liquor cannot be offered for sale at a series of events sponsored by the same person if as a result of doing so, the licence holder is or appears to be operating an ongoing business with the sponsor.

The licence holder is not permitted to promote or invite persons to attend a catered event where the licence holder is offering liquor for sale.

  • Liquor may not be sold at events held in a residence.
  • The licensee:
    • shall ensure that the location of the catered event complies with the requirements for licensed premises
    • must post a Sandy’s Law warning sign at the event.
  • Liquor must be offered for sale and served at the event under the supervision of the licensee or an employee.
  • Liquor not sold during a catered event must be returned to the licence holder’s stock.

Note: The permissible hours for the sale and service of liquor under a Caterer’s Endorsement to a Manufacturer’s Licence are the same as for a By-the-Glass Endorsement.

Catering Notification

Catering notification requirements vary, depending on where the individual event is being held.

Areas under the exclusive control of the licence holder:

Notification of an individual event is not required if the licence holder has provided the AGCO with prior notice (e.g. in the endorsement application) of its intention to cater an event in an area under the licence holder’s exclusive control .


Areas not under the exclusive control of the licence holder:

Notification of an individual event is required if the event is being held in an area not under the exclusive control of the licence holder.

At least ten (10) days before a catered event begins, the licence holder with a Caterer’s Endorsement must provide the AGCO (via an iAGCO regulatory submission), the local police, fire, health and building departments with details on:

  • The nature of the event and the name of the sponsor
  • The address where the event will be held
  • The dates and hours during which the event will be held
  • The estimated attendance for the event
  • The boundaries of the area where liquor will be sold and served.

To notify the AGCO of your catering event, you must make a Regulatory Submission on the iAGCO online portal:

  • Select Catering Notification - Licensee with By-the-Glass.
  • Follow the steps as instructed.

Note: You will be required to provide information on the person/entity sponsoring the event.

Applying for a Caterer’s Endorsement

How do I apply?

To apply for a Caterer’s Endorsement, you must add a secondary licence:

  • In the iAGCO portal, a new secondary licence will be available for new, amendment, and renewal applications via “Add a Secondary”.
  • Click on the button to Add Secondary.
  • Select Caterer’s Endorsement - Licensee with By-the Glass.
  • Follow the steps as instructed.

What supporting documents/information are needed to apply online for a Caterer’s Endorsement?

When applying for a Caterer’s Endorsement via the iAGCO online portal, you will be asked to provide the following information as part of your application:

  • List of premise(s) to which the licence holder will be catering that are under the licensee's exclusive control (if applicable).

Transferring a Winery Licence with a Caterer’s Endorsement

An endorsement can only be transferred together with the licence to which it is attached. Transfers of Caterer’s Endorsements will be processed at the same time as the corresponding Winery Licence transfer application. Please see information in Section 3 on How to transfer a Licence.

Renewing a Caterer’s Endorsement

Caterer’s Endorsements are valid for a period of two or four years and expire when the associated Manufacturer’s Licence expires or is terminated.

How do I apply?

Renewals of Caterer’s Endorsements will be processed at the same time as the corresponding Manufacturer’s Licence renewal application which can be completed online through the iAGCO porta l. Please see information in Section 3 on Renewing a Winery Licence for instructions on completing the renewal application.