Section 4 - Requirements for Certification of Technology by a Registered ITL

Before applicable technologies can be deployed in Ontario's market, operators and GRSs who run critical gaming systems must ensure the following types of technology have been certified against the applicable Standards by an AGCO registered ITL:

  • Games, random number generators, and components of igaming systems that accept, process, determine the outcome of, display, and log details about player bets and wagers. This includes, but is not limited to, slot games, table games, sport and event betting, poker, and other card games.

In certain low-risk circumstances and on a case-by-case basis, the Registrar will consider providing gaming related suppliers with temporary approval for critical gaming systems to facilitate operations at launch. Requests for temporary approval should be discussed on a case-by-case basis with the AGCO Technology Regulation and igaming Compliance Branch.

Recognizing that registered ITLs may have tested many items for use in other regulated jurisdictions, ITLs may consider such prior testing in their determination as to whether tested components meet the AGCO Standards. In doing so, however, ITLs must ensure that any prior testing was relevant to our Standards.

These same technologies must be recertified by a registered ITL when subsequent modifications are made that render the previous certification no longer valid, including but not limited to, modifications related to responsible gaming, game integrity, fairness, and security. See Appendix C – ITL Certification Policy for additional details.

Testing and certification may be performed at any time, including before an Operator or GRS has received a registration from the AGCO. However, ITLs may not issue certifications until they have:

  1. Completed registration with the AGCO as a Gaming-Related Supplier; and

  2. Submitted confirmation, such as an independent audit, that their testing methodology has been configured to the Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming.

Please note: Even though the GRS who manufacturers the game will likely be the entity that obtains the certification, the obligation to assure the AGCO that the game is certified rests with operators and GRSs who run critical gaming systems.