Appendix A: Go-Live Compliance Requirements by Type of Registrant


  1. Confirmation submitted during the application process that the operator will abide by the Standards, including those goods, services, and technology deployed by or provided to the applicant will comply with the Standards.
  2. Confirmation letter of technology compliance and proof in key areas (including for platform technology)
  3. Effective control activities have been designed and implemented in order to comply with the Registrar’s Standards in advance of going live in Ontario's igaming market.
  4. Independently audited CAM (including controls provided by the platform provider):
    • Submitted during the registration process by operators who have been assessed as posing elevated risk.
    • Submitted within three months of going live by all other operators.
GRS who provide platforms
  1. Confirmation submitted during the application process that the operator will abide by the Standards, including those goods, services, and technology deployed by or provided to the applicant will comply with the Standards.
  2. Effective control activities have been designed and implemented in order to comply with the Registrar’s Standards in advance of going live in Ontario's igaming market.
  3. Provide the operator with relevant content for the operator’s Confirmation of Technology Compliance
  4. Provide the operator with relevant content for the operator’s independently audited CAM.

GRS who run critical gaming systems


The components of these systems include certified games, random number generators, and components of igaming systems that accept, process, determine the outcome of, display, and log details about player bets and wagers – all of which are technologies that require ITL certification.


  1. Confirmation submitted during the application process that the GRS will abide by the Standards, including that goods, services, and technology deployed by or provided to the applicant will comply with the Standards.
  2. Effective control activities have been designed and implemented in order to comply with the Registrar’s Standards in advance of going live in Ontario's igaming market.
  3. Confirmation that the GRS’s CAM meets the Standards that are applicable to GRSs who run critical gaming systems.
  4. Confirmation letter of technology compliance and proof in key areas
All other Gaming-Related Suppliers
  1. Confirmation submitted during the application process that the registrant will abide by the Standards, including those goods, services, and technology deployed by or provided to the applicant will comply with the Standards.
  2. Effective control activities have been designed and implemented in order to comply with the Registrar’s Standards in advance of going live in Ontario's igaming market.