This guide describes the go-live compliance requirements for most internet gaming (igaming) operators and gaming-related suppliers (“GRSs”) in order to participate in Ontario's igaming market.

Please note that AGCO registration and successful completion of our go-live compliance requirements will not constitute permission for operators and their GRSs to begin gaming operations in Ontario's igaming market. That authority rests with iGaming Ontario (iGO), the body responsible for conducting and managing internet gaming in Ontario, including establishing operating agreements with AGCO-registered operators, which include additional requirements as established by iGO.

The compliance requirements in this Guide were described previously in the AGCO’s June 2021 igaming Regulatory Compliance engagement paper, and, based on input received through that engagement process, have since been finalized.

The information in this Guide will be of interest to all types of igaming registrants. However, many of the individual requirements apply to two specific types of registrants: a) operators; and b) gaming-related suppliers who run critical gaming systems1.

Also, this Guide does not include information about go-live requirements and processes that apply to Independent Testing Laboratories (ITLs) because compliance requirements have been communicated directly to them and a special ITL governing policy is in place (see Appendix C).

Within the AGCO, the Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch is responsible for ensuring that operators and GRSs have met the go-live compliance measures described below. Contact information for questions and clarification is provided at the end of this section. In the future, the Branch will add to this compliance guide with content related to ongoing (post go-live) compliance requirements and key processes.

What’s in this guide?

This guide has five sections:

  • Section 1 – AGCO Compliance Approach: How the igaming compliance approach fits within the AGCO’s risk-based and outcome-focused regulatory framework, including a number of high priority Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming and other themes that will be areas of special compliance focus before and after the launch of Ontario's igaming market.
  • Section 2 – Technology Compliance Confirmation: The requirements for each operator and gaming-related supplier (“GRS”) who runs critical gaming systems to provide a Technology Compliance Confirmation for review by the AGCO.
  • Section 3 – Control Activity Matrix (CAM) Requirements: The requirements for each operator and GRS who runs critical gaming systems to develop a Control Activity Matrix (“CAM”) and for operators to submit their CAMs for review by the AGCO.
  • Section 4 – Requirements for Certification of Technology by a Registered ITL: A summary of the requirements to ensure that ITL certifications are in place before going live.
  • Section 5 – Notification Requirements and AGCO Secure Data Exchange: An overview of go-live activities and requirements related to the AGCO Internet Gaming Notification Matrix (“Notification Matrix”) and AGCO Secure Data Exchange.

There are also three appendices:

  • Appendix A: A brief summary of the go-live compliance requirements for four specific types of Registrants.
  • Appendix B: Information about which Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming might be commonly applicable to various types of Registrants.
  • Appendix C: A copy of the AGCO’s ITL Certification Policy.

Need additional information?

If you need more information or have any questions after reviewing this guide, please contact the AGCO's Technology Regulation and iGaming Compliance Branch by e-mail at

1Critical gaming systems are a sub-set of “gaming equipment”, which is in turn defined in the Gaming Control Act 1992. The components of these systems include certified games, random number generators, and components of igaming systems that accept, process, determine the outcome of, display, and log details about player bets and wagers.