(6) Advertising and Responsible Gambling

6.1 The Licensee shall ensure that adver­tising and marketing materials shall not:

  1. be designed to appeal primarily to minors;
  2. appear on displays in primarily youth-oriented locations;
  3. use individuals who are, or appear to be minors, to promote gambling; however, if the intent of the marketing campaign is to identify minors as a benefactor of the licens­ee’s programs, such advertising is permitted;
  4. imply that chances of winning increase
    1. the longer one plays; or
    2. the more one spends.

6.2 The Licensee shall ensure that adver­tising and marketing materials and communications shall not be mis­leading. At a minimum, materials and com­munications shall not:

  1. imply that playing a lottery scheme is required for social accep­tance, personal success, financial success or resolving economic, social or personal problems;
  2. contain endorsements by well-known personalities that suggest that playing lottery schemes have contributed to their success;
  3. encourage play as a means of recovering past gambling or other financial losses;
  4. present winning as the most probable outcome, or misrepresent a person’s chances of winning a prize; or
  5. suggest that skill can influence the outcome.

6.3 The Licensee shall ensure that advertising and marketing materi­als contain a responsible gambling message. At a minimum, the Con­nexOntario Help Line phone number and website must be included on the Ticket, on any other material that is distributed to the players, and on the Licensee’s website if there is infor­mation available about the Raffle.

6.4 The Licensee shall ensure that all applicable Electronic Raffle Person­nel have the knowledge to direct players to the ConnexOntario Help Line and website.

6.5 The Licensee may accept sponsor­ships as long as it is still clear to the public that the Raffle is charitable and is conducted and managed by the Licensee. Sponsorship revenue shall not be deposited into the lottery trust account.