(1) Conduct of the raffle

1.1 The Licensee shall ensure that the Electronic Raffle System is provided, installed, configured, maintained, repaired, and operated in a way that ensures the integrity, safety and security of the system, and in accor­dance with the Registrar’s approval.

1.2 The Licensee shall have procedures in place to ensure game integrity, security and audit capability for times when there are technical difficulties.

  1. The licensee shall ensure that procedures are current and reflect good practices for security, issues management and resolution.

1.3 Procedures shall be established and documented for IT operations and incident management, including managing, monitoring and respond­ing to security and integrity events.

Requirement – At a minimum:

  1. Proactive monitoring and detec­tion of errors in the ERS and related components shall be in place.

1.4 Player information (which must be owned by the Licensee) shall be securely protected.

Requirements – At a minimum:

  1. Data collection and protection requirements for player personal information shall meet those set out in applicable legislation; and
  2. Player information shall only be used for the Licensee’s business unless there is prior approval from the players.

1.5 The Licensee shall ensure that all authorized AGCO staff are granted access to Electronic Raffle Assets where the Raffle is being conducted, upon request.

1.6 The Licensee shall have access to accurate floor plans of any venue being used to conduct a Raffle, to be made available to AGCO upon request. Floor plans must show areas containing Electronic Raffle Assets, cash counting room and the event office.

1.7 The Licensee shall ensure that appro­priate safeguards are in place to protect Electronic Raffle Personnel and Electronic Raffle Assets.

  1. Electronic Raffle Assets shall be appropriately secured at all times.
  2. Where Raffle Sales Units are used, the Licensee shall maintain a list of the users assigned to each RSU.

1.8 The Licensee shall ensure that Elec­tronic Raffle Assets are in good working order, and not compromised or altered in any way that would affect the integrity of the Raffle.