(2) Staffing - Hall Charities Association

2.1 Each Super Jackpot licence in a bingo hall must be administered by a Hall Charities Association.

2.2 The Hall Charities Association must designate at least two (2) bona fide, active members of the association to be in charge of and responsible for the conduct and administration of each Super Jackpot licence on behalf of the association. The association is responsible for:

  1. administering and supervising the conduct of the Super Jackpot;
  2. completing and filing the required financial report on the results of the event;
  3. keeping all required records and administering the Super Jackpot trust account;
  4. ensuring that proceeds raised are distributed on a pro rata basis to all member organizations of the Hall Charities Association.

2.3 The Hall Charities Association may designate different persons to be in charge of each Super Jackpot event on behalf of the association.

2.4 The Hall Charities Association must open one (1) separate, designated Super Jackpot trust account for one (1) horizontal Super Jackpot or one (1) designated Super Jackpot trust account to administer the conduct of all vertical Super Jackpots. The Super Jackpot trust account must be administered in accordance with Section 11 of these terms and conditions.

2.5 Personnel required to assist in the conduct of the Super Jackpot must be those that are assisting with the Regular Bingo events.