Electronic raffles are raffles in which computers (including handheld devices) may be used for the sale of raffle tickets, the selection of raffle winners and the distribution of raffle prizes in Ontario.
Eligible charitable or religious organizations may apply to the Registrar for a licence to conduct and manage electronic raffles.
No minimum prize board is needed to obtain a licence to conduct and manage an electronic raffle. Three types of electronic raffles are permitted:
- electronic 50/50 raffles (including 50/50 Split the Pot);
- electronic Catch the Ace progressive raffle lotteries; and
- fixed-prize electronic raffles.
All the policies that apply to paper-based raffles also apply to electronic raffles, with some exceptions and additions as noted below.
Terms and conditions that electronic raffle licensees must comply with include:
- Lottery Licence Terms & Conditions
- Raffle Licence Terms & Conditions
- Electronic Raffle Operational Terms and Conditions
- Financial Management and Administration of Non-Pooling Bingo Halls Terms and Conditions .
5.3.1 (A) Policies exclusive to electronic raffles
5.3.1 (a) (i) Paid sellers
The use of paid ticket sellers is permitted for electronic raffles. Sellers may not be paid based on the number of tickets they sell, and the money used to pay sellers must come from a general account.
5.3.1 (a) (ii) Enhanced requirements concerning problem gambling
All electronic raffles are required to provide clear communications on resources available to support problem gambling. Tickets must provide contact information for the ConnexOntario problem gambling service phoneline (1-866-531-2600). Additionally, electronic raffle personnel are required to have the knowledge to direct players to the ConnexOntario problem gambling phoneline and website (https:// www.connexontario.ca/ ).
5.3.1 (a) (iii) Sponsorships and seeding jackpots
Licensed charities are permitted to accept sponsorship for their electronic raffles in the form of fixed cash or merchandise prizes. Charities must also ensure that sponsorships are clearly communicated to customers. As the amounts received from sponsors become part of the prize board, licensing fees, which are set at one per cent of the prize board, are calculated to include any sponsorship funds.
5.3.1 (a) (iv) Notification Matrix
Any incidents, such as suspected cheating or gaming supply/system malfunctions, occurring before or during the electronic raffle event must be reported by the licensee to the Registrar within a specific timeframe. The Notification Matrix—Electronic Raffles lists all the incident types that must be reported, when and to whom.
5.3.1 (a) (v) Supplier information
In order to assist charities that wish to conduct electronic raffles, a list of registered suppliers and their technical solutions is posted on the AGCO website. As part of their conduct and management responsibilities, it is up to charities to ensure that they are working with a registered supplier and using the approved version of a supplier’s technical solution.
5.3.1 (a) (vi) Financial guarantees
An irrevocable standby letter of credit is required for all fixed-prize electronic raffles. For other electronic raffle types, licensing authorities may require a financial guarantee for prizes.
5.3.1 (a) (vii) Combining online and in-person ticket sales
Licensees have the flexibility to sell tickets for an electronic raffle both in person and online. For an electronic raffle that combines both in-person and online sales, such as a 50/50, licensees must conclude the draw before they can open sales at the same venue(s) for another raffle of the same type that combines in-person and online sales.
5.3.1 (a) (viii) Limit on concurrent online raffles
Licensees may conduct and manage a maximum of four online raffles at the same time. (The term online refers to sales that occur when a customer uses the internet to purchase a ticket.)
5.3.1 (a) (ix) Electronic raffle solutions
There are a number of registered Gaming-Related Suppliers with AGCO-approved electronic raffle solutions that charities may use. Licensees may also develop their own online raffle sales platform. All proposed solutions, including charity-developed sales platforms, are subject to review and approval by the AGCO’s Technical and Laboratory Services.
5.3.1 (a) (x) In-person electronic raffles
Licensees may sell electronic raffle tickets at multiple locations where they lease, own or have permission to sell tickets. The following restrictions apply:
- Licensees must sell tickets only at venues located in communities where they deliver services.
- Licensees must use separate points of sale that are operated in-person by the charity’s representative.
- Licensees may not use a retailer’s staff to sell raffle tickets, and/or provide unsupervised points of sale such as self-serve kiosks.
5.3.1 (a) (xi) Ticket sales over multiple days
Licensees may sell tickets for an electronic raffle over multiple days.
5.3.1 (a) (xii) Multiple draws over extended periods
Charities may obtain a licence that permits multiple draws over an extended period, such as during a sports season.
5.3.1.(a)(xiii) Electronic Raffle Subscriptions
A Subscription is a series of electronic raffle lotteries promoted on behalf of the same eligible charitable or religious organization in respect of which participants pay for participation in one or more future raffles by regular automatic payment.
Charities must have an active licence in order to offer and maintain player subscriptions, and must provide all relevant terms and conditions of the subscription to players prior to entering into a new or renewed subscription agreement. This includes but is not limited to:
- the events included in the subscription;
- the cost of each event in the subscription;
- the duration of the subscription;
- that automatic billing will occur for future events;
- how to opt-out or cancel the subscription; and
- players must be informed that they must be located within Ontario at the time they opt-in to subscription-based ticket sales.
Subscriptions can only be made through an opt-in choice and cannot be the default option.
Recurring payments can only be added through an opt-in choice. Players must be notified they have selected and agree to enter a recurring payment option in a clear manner.
The Electronic Raffle Solution may not process purchases for future draws. The previous draw in the series must be closed before the recurring payment is processed for the current/next draw.
Players must be notified in advance of automatic billing purchases.
A feature to opt-out or cancel a subscription, including auto-payment options, is required and must at a minimum:
- be displayed prominently to enable players to easily locate the feature;
- be available at all times to enable a player to cancel entry into raffles for which payment has not yet been processed;
- Not come at a cost or penalty to any player choosing to opt-out or cancel; and
- be provided to players through any channels/media the organization uses (e.g. phone, email, etc.) including the same channels and media that the opt-in subscription options themselves are provided through.