Quarter Horse — Chapter 6: Entries and Subscriptions

6.01  No horse shall be permitted to enter or start unless:

  1. It is duly registered with and approved by the registry office of the American Quarter Horse Association or the American Paint Horse Association;
  2. The horse’s registration certificate is filed with the race office of the Association by the time required for identification purposes;
  3. It is owned or leased by a licensed owner and is in the care of and saddled by a licensed trainer or his/ her licensed assistant;
  4. At the time of entry, the horse must be eligible to the conditions of the race as specified by the Racing Secretary and must remain eligible until the race, with the exception of Rule 6.30.

The Registrar or the Stewards may waive any of the above conditions of this rule under exceptional circumstances.

6.03  If a horse’s name is changed, its new name shall be registered with the America Quarter Horse Association and its old, as well as its new name, shall be given in every entry list until it has run three races, and both names must be printed in the official program for those three races.

6.03  Deleted.

6.14.03  Notwithstanding Rule 6.14.02 where two or more horses are coupled as an entry only for the reason that the horses are trained by the same trainer, the racing association may with the consent of the stewards run those horses as separate interests.

6.20 (d)  Deleted.

6.30.01  A horse, other than a first time starter, shall not be eligible to race un less it has started in a race or completed a time work out with a speed index of 20 or greater. This work out must be satisfactory to the Stewards and within 45 clear days of the day of the race for which it is entered and be published in the official program.

6.30.02  A timed work out must be published in the Official Program for any horse that shows no race or timed work out within the last forty-five (45) days in the Racing form. This rule may be waived for Staked races at the discretion of the Stewards.

6.30.03  Deleted.

6.35  All first life-time starters must have two (2) published work outs out of the starting gate, one of which must be in company with at least one other horse. Both times must make the speed index chart, achieving a minimum speed rating of 20, and be clocked on different dates at Ajax Downs. One of these work out times must be within 30 clear days of the day of entry.

6.46  If a horse’s start is compromised due to the use of a flipping halter, it may still be considered a starter. Any person making an entry must declare the use of a flipping halter at the time of entry. The use of a flipping halter shall be noted in the official program.