12.08 If a horse is claimed, it shall not be sold or transferred to anyone in whole or in part, except in a claiming race, for a period of thirty (30) clear days from the date of claim. It shall not, unless reclaimed, remain in the same stable or under control or management of its former owner or trainer for the same thirty (30) clear days.
12.09 The papers of any horse that is claimed must be for warded, forth with, by the Association’s Racing Secretary’s Offices to the American Quarter Horse Association so that they may record the transfer of ownership.
12.11 All claims must be signed, sealed and deposited in a locked box at least 15 minutes before the scheduled post time of the race in which the claim is made. Such box shall be in the custody of the Racing Secretary. The following information must be correctly filled in on the Claim Blank:
- Date of claim
- Printed name(s) and appropriate signature(s)
- Authorized Agent number if required
- Correct claiming price
- The number of the race from which the horse is to be claimed
- Name of the horse
- Designated trainer
- Initial claiming form, if applicable.
Typographical or minor technical errors may be accepted at the discretion of the Stewards.
12.12 Not earlier than 15 minutes before and not later than ten minutes before each race, the Racing Secretary shall open the claim box and note on the envelope containing each claim the official post time of the race in question which he/she shall take from the official program. Immediately thereafter and in no event later than post time of each race, he/she shall deliver or cause to be delivered to the stewards all claims that were in the claims’ box for the race in question. No money shall accompany the claim.
12.13 Except when a horse is sent for observation pursuant to Rule 12.33, in which case physical custody remains with the original owner until the Observation Period has ended, transfer of possession of a claimed horse shall take place in the claiming barn or designated area immediately after the running of said race, unless the horse is required to be taken to either the retention test barn and/or TCO2 test barn for post-race testing. The successful claimant or their representative shall maintain physical custody of the claimed horse. Transfer of possession of each claimed horse will take place after sample tags have been signed by the previous trainer and/or their representative.
12.18.01 Subject to Rule 12.16, title to a claimed horse shall vest in the successful claimant from the time the stall doors of the starting gate open in front of such horse at the time the Starter dispatches the horses in a valid start for the claiming race. The successful claimant shall take possession of the claimed horse whether said horse is sound or unsound, or injured during or after the race, unless the horse is invalidated in accordance with Rule 12.32.01 and any related track rules.
12.23 If a filly or mare has been bred, she is ineligible to be entered into a claiming race.
12.24.02 Deleted.