Quarter Horse — Chapter 27: Commission Veterinarians, Official Veterinarians and Other Veterinarians

27.03  Any horse scratched by the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian or a licensed Veterinarian may be placed on a (7) day list. Any horse that has been placed on the Veterinarian’s List may be required to work at the discretion of the attending Veterinarian approved by the Commission. On the 8th day, the horse shall be eligible to be removed from the Veterinarians’ List and entered. Any horse that has been on the Veterinarian’s List twice in a 30 day span shall be placed on the Veterinarians’ List and it shall be mandatory the horse work to the satisfaction of the Commission Veterinarian or Official Veterinarian, no matter how long the horse has been on the Veterinarians’ List.

27.05  An Official Veterinarian shall inspect all horses in the paddock and at the starting point of each race. If in his/her opinion, any horse is not fit, sound and ready for racing, he/she shall recommend to the Stewards that it be scratched and the Stewards shall take such action as they deem fit.