• Under its organizational design initiative to identify opportunities to be more flexible, dynamic, and agile, the AGCO strengthened its Regulatory Intelligence function, improved the structure of its Customer Experience team, and created a new Chief Information Officer role.
  • The rollout of the Remote Work Arrangement program provided a flexible structure for employees to occasionally work from an alternate work location when appropriate to their duties and functions. The program was a driving factor in the AGCO’s successful and efficient response to the COVID-19 pandemic, with most staff seamlessly transitioning to an expanded full-time remote work arrangement within a matter of days.
  • As part of a multi-year Diversity and Inclusion plan, the AGCO conducted an all-staff Diversity and Inclusion Survey to assess the organization’s efforts to create a positive workplace environment that reflects the unique qualities of its employees.
  • The Well Engaged Committee took a leadership role in action planning and implementation of initiatives to enhance organizational diversity and inclusion efforts, with recruitment, outreach, and disability/accommodation awareness being identified as its top priorities.
  • The AGCO formalized a Corporate Social Responsibility strategy and took concrete steps to ensure its employees, communities, and environment thrive by identifying four focus areas: diverse, healthy and engaged workplace; a vibrant and strong community; a sustainable environment; and socially responsible industries.
  • The AGCO’s virtual Town Hall series continued to connect staff across the province over a one-week period, by taking a modern, cost-effective approach that combined live streaming, interactive sessions, themed days with customized content, recorded presentations, and an employee social media platform to engage with staff across the province.
  • Providing the organization with a competitive advantage in attracting talent, the AGCO NEXT initiative launched NEXT Talks, inviting employees to create and deliver all-staff presentations on relevant themes.
  • The AGCO continued to implement its Employee Engagement action plan, by focusing on two corporate themes: opportunities to have ideas adopted and put into use, and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of work structures and processes. Initiatives such as innovation hour, process review, and continuous improvement were rolled out across the organization.
  • In 2019–2020, a new Ask Me Anything staff engagement initiative was launched, providing AGCO employees with an opportunity to submit questions directly to executives and receive an immediate response.
  • The Manager 2020 project team introduced several progressive initiatives, including LeaderShift, which allows managers to apply for temporary assignments outside of their field and lead a team of specialists. The team also developed four leadership competencies for use in management and staff development plans.
  • Human Resources continued to incorporate a Digital First approach by implementing new technology modules to improve efficiency, adopt best practices, and eliminate manual/paper-based processes.