Path Forward – A Phased Approach

With the consultation period now complete, the AGCO’s Developing a Regulatory Framework for Electronic Raffles in Ontario project will proceed to its next stage, with the release and subsequent implementation of a regulatory framework for electronic raffles in Ontario. The electronic raffle framework will establish the conditions under which charities may use computers for the sale of raffle tickets, selection of a winner, and the distribution of a prize, if they choose to do so. The valuable input received from the consultation period, as well as the lessons learned through the interim framework, will inform the AGCO’s decision-making.

While the AGCO has been primarily focused on electronic raffles, there may be some opportunities to implement changes to the framework for traditional paper-based raffles and charitable lotteries more broadly, to benefit all charities conducting lottery events, not just those conducting electronic raffles.

The AGCO would once again like to extend its sincere appreciation to the many stakeholders and partners that dedicated their time, effort and energy to provide their input and advice.