AGCO Performance Measure


Outcome / Output Metric



Modern Regulator

Digital First

The AGCO provides user- based services and information through multiple windows and service channels anytime and anywhere.

Outcome Metric:

% of users using digital options1 to transact with the AGCO meets or exceeds target of 85%.




Service Excellence

Service Experience

A service-centred design that optimizes the service experience, engages customers proactively and identifies opportunities for improvements.

Output Metric:

Online application turnaround time (in days)2 meets or is lower than target of 20 days.





Outcome Metric:

% of clients satisfied with services3 meets or exceeds

target of 75%.


Value for Money

Ensuring value per transaction (internal and external) with a focus on streamlining process and reducing regulatory burden.

Output Metric:

% of applications for SOPs auto-issued meets or exceeds target of 90%.


People First

Employee Experience

The level of engagement and enablement is directly correlated with higher productivity, increased motivation and job satisfaction.

Outcome Metric:

The % of AGCO staff who would recommend AGCO as a place to work4 meets or exceeds target of 75%.


Outcome Metric:

The % of AGCO staff who believe they have opportunities to have their ideas adopted and put into use5 meets or exceeds target of 70%.


1 Includes applications, inquiries and complaints

2 Includes application turnaround times and auto-renewals completed on the iAGCO portal

3 Average based on AGCO website, iAGCO portal and telephone calls

4 Based on the 2018 AGCO Employee Engagement Survey

5 Based on the 2018 AGCO Employee Engagement Survey